
Menstral question (girls only please)?

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I am 12 years old and I have had my period for almost a year now. I am having tons of problems with pads and I want to switch to tampons but I don't know how to ask my mom. I don't really talk to my mom about things like this so its kind of awkward to ask.

Please can you give me some suggestions on how to ask my mom or just about tampons.





  1. I never even used a pad I just told my mom straight out that pads grossed me out. and surprisingly enough me starting my period was really great because now i talk to my mom about everything.

  2. just ask your mom can i use tampons..

    believe me its not scary.

    i dont have a mom now and just recently soo i have to get use to asking my dad for tampons..thats akward.

  3. Well, if you're having tons of problems with pads... let her know and if she really cares about your needs, she would allow you to use the tampons. Just make sure that she is in a good mood and say, "Hey mom, I don't know how to tell you this but I'm having sooo much problems with my pads and I was wondering if you can plzzzzz let me use tampons plzzzzzz." that should reallllly make her feel sorry and guess what, it won't be lying because you are having problems with your pads.

    I hope this helps ;)

    and b.t.w... put on a verryy sad face :(

  4. Just simply tell her, Mom I have been on my period for a year now, I want to use a tampon. Could you help me with that? More than likely she isnt going to want you to use a tampon because most older people think that you cant use a tampon if you are a virgin. And she is going to assume that you are sexually active. SO you have to set that straight with her. Good luck hun

  5. Well, Im sure your mom knows that you have your period right? Well, it's not the uncunfortable. You just have to get to her, and tell her. "Hey mom, I really don't like using pads, can i use tampons?" Its thaat easy. And if its hard for you, you might want to write a small letter, and placing it somewhere she only looks, like a drawer, pillow :) Some people find it easier to say things in writing, not to face, it doesn't make you think about the reaction of the person.

  6. if she works it is pretty easy to call her on the phone and just say' "hey mom can u pick me up some tampons on the way home?" it works well because she wont be able to have a talk with u over the phone (she is at work) and u dont have to say it to her face. u should be more comfortable around ur mom but since ur not (im not either) this should work very well.

  7. Well, my personal opinion is that if you are old enough to have a period, you are old enough to make a choice on how to deal with it.  Unfortunately, I am not your mother.....some moms have a problem with their "little girls" sticking anything "up there".  Just let her know that you are having problems wearing pads, and that you would like to explore your options...they make very slender tampons for teens.  I wish you well!   Push comes to shove, just change on you own, I don't think that she will check to see what you are wearing!!

  8. Switch to tampons!!

    they are sooooo much better. and you cant feel them! you will love them! its scary at first but then you get used to it.

    and ask your mom! she can give you really good advice! i know my mom did =]

    good luck!!!!!!

  9. I suggest on useing pads, they are much safer. If your worry about using pads because it leaks, then buy those pads that have "wings", so it dosent leak. Also, if your worried about the odor, maybe its because you dont wash it so well. Tampons, can be unsafe sometimes because it might get stuck in there. But if you really want to switch, tell your mom that you are very serious, and your having trouble with using pads. I hope she will not deny. Good luck!

  10. Just be like, "Mom, can I switch over to tampons?"

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