
Menstrual Cycle - How does it work?

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I have been extensively researching women's menstrual cycle online. I have read several places that once ovulation occurs, your period starts 14 days after. I understand a woman's cycle can vary between 29 days and 30+ days. From what I have read, generally the amount of days between your last period and ovulation varies month to month, but the amount of time between ovulation and your next period does not vary. It is always 14 days. Is this true?




  1. No, it really depends on the women and the length of her cycle. As well as how regular your cycle is every month. Some women are the same to the hour every month, others may vary by a week or so.  

  2. not really because some times a woman will ovulate at the beginning of her month but 20 days later have a period. the amount of days a woman gets her period some get them every 28 days and some get them every 30 days. some woman ovulate twice a month. it could be at the same time or two different times during the month. sometimes you wont ovulate for that month but still get a period. it is just the average that you will find.

  3. 14 days refers to the luteal phase. The luteal phase is from when you ovulate to when you get your next period - therefore it is counted BACKWARDS from how many days your cycle is, NEVER FORWARDS. 14 days is the average luteal phase but it ranges from 12 to 16 days. In a perfect 28 day cycle a woman has a 14 day follicular phase (period to ovulation) and a 14 day luteal phase (ovulation to next period).

    A normal cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days.

    For example. I have a 14 day luteal phase and a 25 day cycle. That means I ovulate on Day 11 of my cycle. Not day 14. However, my periods do range from 24 to 27 days - but my luteal phase is always 14 days. The luteal phase is almost always constant, but the follicular phase is not. It is almost always constant because it is ruled by the corpus luteum which produces progesterone. The follicular phase is dominated by estrogen and FSH which can change.

    Someone who has a 15 day luteal phase and an average 28 day cycle would ovulate on day 13.

    So on and so forth.

    This explains a little about the luteal phase:

  4. my cycle is now anything form 14 to 21 days

    so it must be wrong or I would be ovulating on the first day of my period

    some months !

    yes I know its not normal but thats what it does :o(

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