
Menstrual like cramps in early pregnancy?

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I have some menstrual feeling cramps on and off... I am now in my 8th week of pregnancy. It feels exactly like the cramps I get during my period! I get very bad cramps... and these are not quite as intolerable but they are painful. I was told this was just my uterus expanding. They are not rhythmic or constant... just once in a while in no pattern at all. Would this be cause for concern or would you agree this is just growing pains? My first prenatal apt is september 5th.




  1. This is normal.  I had period-like cramps until I was 10 weeks pregnant.  It is just your uterus expanding..  I would not be concerned unless the pain becomes rhythmic or more severe but right now you sound just like I felt when I was that early in my pregnancy.

  2. If you continue to have bad cramping go to the emergency room, do not wait until Sept.5th

  3. Yes there growing pains. You get these pain because the ligaments holding your uterus are streching. Plus yur uterus is streching at a rapid pace. They will get less painfull but you will get other pains as you get farther. Like your hips, b*****s, legs and back. Ahh the joys of pregnancy!

  4. As long as you are not bleeding, you should be okay.  I had horrible cramping until my 12th week.  It was so bad that I couldn't sleep.  And was told by my doctor that it was my uterus stretching to make room for the baby.  

  5. i would take it easy if i was you is this your first baby?  you could be in early part of a miscarriage  just take it easy tho  

  6. I don't think you should wait till the 5th for your apt.  It is possible to get your period during pregnancy but just to be sure check with the doc.

  7. It sounds normal to me. I never had menstrual cramps but did get them occasionally during my pregnancy. You'll have lots of growing pains in your belly, and joints throughout your pregnancy. It doesn't sound like anything you should be concerned about. If it gets intolerable or you start bleeding I suggest you call the doctor. Otherwise take some extra strength tylenol if you feel like you need it.  

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