
Menstruating women and fasting..?

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If a woman is not to fast when she is menstruating, does she have to make up the days?




  1. I think we should make it up...:-(.... so... lets see.. insha-allah...

  2. Yes, you do have to make up for the days you've missed fasting (due to your period) during the any of the non-Ramadhan months; at least before the next Ramadhan.  

  3. She does have to make them up, she has up until the next Ramadan a period of 1 yr on the Hijri calendar to make them up.

  4. Yes, you do have to make up the days after ramadan. You have from the 2nd day of eid to before Ramadan the next year.  

  5. She does not have to make up the days, but it is recommended that she does make them up.  You will be forgiven if you do not follow the rules of Ramadan with the exceptions which have been put down.  Fasting during that time can lead to many problems especally problems related to dehydration.

  6. Yes, she should make a note of all the days she's missed then make up for them as soon as she is clean again to fast.

  7. Salam for you my dear sister If a woman is menstruating she does not

    fasting but she should replace  the days  of her absence of fasting,after the end of ramdan as soon as possible before  coming the new ramadan But her absence of praying do not have to be replaced

    She should continue her fasting after her menses finished and she took a  big bath.

  8. Yes, she does have to make up all of the missed days after Ramadan but she does not have to make up the prayers.  

  9. yes you have to make up the days within the next ramadan

  10. I was taught that the woman did have to make up the days missed due to her period but I could be wrong

  11. Peace be upon you sister.

    Feel glad to know that you are studying islam---May Allah guide you in that and InshaAllah (God willing) He surly guides the one who want to know and follow the Truth.

    But I'would like to remind you sister, as in today's time so much misinformation is spread about islam and some people even answer questions without correct knowledge. Please do ask for reference for the answer people give you. e.g. Reference can be made from the Quran---a revelation from God, Hadith---Sayings of the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), fatwas---Legal rullings of Islam.

    Sister it is clear in Islam that a mensurating woman has to make up the fasts that she missed during her periods. Because Allah has ordered in the Quran that we (all muslims) must fast the same number of days. so even the sick has to make up the fasts that they missed and the elderly or those who have no hope or recorvy have to feed some poor people.

    will edit with reference latter InshaAllah

    That website has some problems now  

  12. menstruating women cannot fasting...

    after ramadhan.. you need to pay it back..

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