i'm 16, suburbs of a major city
my parents and i got into an extremely heated argument
about allowing me to go to the city with friends
it ended in my dad and i physically pushing and swearing at eachother
i'm a good kid, i don't get into drugs (anymore), never alchohol, i get good grades, and i ahve extremely high morals.
aparently this means jackshit to my parents
because my brother is in to many drugs, and much alchohol, gets bad grades, and has low morals. he's nice and cool, but all the previous things are also true about him
Here is my dilema. I am not dumb enough to get into drugs, or sneak into the city w/o letting my parents know, or get into alchohol, or give up on school. unfortunately this doesn't work to my advantage, because if i did these things, i would no doubt be happier
but my morals don't allow me to
what should i do
i'm now grounded for a month, which sucks especially because i have a date this weekend with a girl i've liked for a while
i really really need moral direction from the general public(you guys)
and options on how to deal with my situation
please help,
thanks for reading this far