
Mental illness is an illness, isn't it time to stop stereotyping???

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It's genetic, this is a fact, time to teach others.

Cancer is an illness, Fibromyalgia is an illness, what

about mental illness, it's an illness.




  1. Mental illness is a combination of genetics and environment. I agree with you in that the stigma of mental illness needs to be eradicated. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about, just like there's no shame in having any physical illness like pneumonia or cancer.

  2. yes it is an illness, I am a Special Education teacher part- time and I use myself to help children learn how to deal with ADHD.  Because when I were a child the social system did not know how to treat it.

  3. Some mental illnesses are environmental, or part environmental, like depression. I agree with you, though. We had to watch these ads about it in school. 'You wouldn't treat someone with diabetes differently, would you?', etc.  

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