
Mental problem.someone please help me jokes to the side.serious.?

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i havent been feeling like my self lately.I feel as if im letting my life pass me by.My heart races daily,even to the point were like my head is pouding but no headache.I get nervous really fast,to the point were i have to throw up.I get crazy thoughts as in everything is fake around me,and not beliveing stuff,and things being so unreal.I get to the point sometimes were i think life is just a big dream sorta more like a night mare.I dont go outside,because i feel as if,im lost alone.I cry everynight,because i dont feel like myself.somtimes i get to the point were i feel dizzy and dont want to eat,and my eyes move uncontrbly.i cant start school yet was suppose to go weds day,and usually i would love to go but i dont want to get all nervous and get sick,trust me no lie i cried last night because i wanted to go to school but i didnt want to panick.Sometimes i think my mind is playing games on me and i cant snap out of it,i feel as if im detached from my body what can i do,they gave me anixety medicine but i hate it.




  1. I'm going to bet you've lived a very anxious life for a while and something has changed and now you've started to see the world differently, possibly recently, possibly a while ago now...and it doesn't quite make sense anymore, you can't be the way you used to be it makes you too uncomfortable but you're afraid to embrace this person your body is demanding you become. If any of that is on, I understand how you are a feeling: I experienced the same thing for all of last year and am still dealing with it now. My life has changed dramatically. It sounds impossible, confusing, and unreasonable but you need to do two things:

    1. Decide that you are not going to feel this way anymore and embrace a track towards fixing it. It has to be something: if the meds are out of the question--and they SHOULD NOT be, I strongly encourage you to take them if things are this extreme, if only temporarily--then you should at least being seeing a psychiatrist and maybe even GROUP to talk to and open up to in a trusting environment. Sounds like your bottling all these feelings up, you have no one to talk to.

    Which brings us to 2. The BIGGEST STEP you can take is TALKING TO PEOPLE and being honest and open about how you're feeling. It will relieve stress, relax you, and help you sort out your own wild thoughts. Find someone, anyone, and invest in them, and then invest in them again the next night and then if they will the next night but maybe start with another person then and just BE OPEN AND HONEST AND GO FOR IT because it will be ok...people are surprisingly capable of rising to the moment and helping. It's something I have to remind myself as I deal with almost all the same feelings and the new school year approaches.

    IN all seriousness-- Good luck. It's hard, but you may find you come out the other side of this learning huge amounts about yourself.  

  2. I know exactly how you feel I been feeling this way for three years now it feels like my depression and anxiety took over my life, I really think you should take your meds it will help you alot, you should go see a therapist because before you know it it's like 3 years later and your still in the house,please take my advice and talk to someone because it only gets worst trust me I lost myself I used to be so social and outgoing now I have panic attack being around too many people.good luck I will pray for you  

  3. I know how you feel. I battle the panic attacks too. It does

    feel like you are dying. Did you feel detached from yourself

    and in a dream before you were on meds? I am am on the

    same med as you, I think its a generic for Zoloft, Sera??

    I feel dreamlike too at times but it is in a calming way. I

    think you really need to see a psychiatrist because I think

    you may not have the right meds? If you got them from a

    MD alot of times thry dont have a complex understanding

    of mental probs. I think it would really do you good once

    you get back in school. It probably compounds the panic

    as you are alone etc. I know it sucks to take meds but if I

    dont I am a mess. I finally found one that works for me.

    There is a med out there that can give you wour life back,

    mom has to take you to the psychiatrist. ZOloft gave me my

    life back. Keep your head up, it's always darkest before the

    dawn. Lastly PRAY, ask God to guide you and help you and

    the dr to diagnose you properly. Pray that God and Jesus wrap

    you in their loving arms and help you and they will :) God Bless.

  4. even if you hate it, it sounds like you need the medicine.  You just described an extreem case of anixety.  If the meds bug you that much try seeing a therapist.  Leaving your house may be scary, but there is nothing out there that's going to hurt you.  

    You sound like you really need help.

    Talk to your parents or another adult that can help you.  Don't try and fix this on your own.

    Best of luck.  I'll pray for you.

  5. Some Psychiatric issues are caused by stress and will pass in time as the stress resolves. However, some are genetically determined and do need medication. So, check with the family whether their is a family history of probems - including aunts, uncles, cousins, not just immediate family - and talk to your GP and go back for follow up.

    In the early stages it can be difficult even for a doctor to tell which type of problem is the cause and whether medication will help and which type of medication. If you are given something that seems to make you feel worse go back to the doctor. You may need something different.

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