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Can anyone teach me mentalism?? like bending spoons, forks, cool tricks with a ring (the perstige). Aside from concertrating for hours what else do i need to do. Specific please




  1. seriously... come on.  Don't waste your time.

  2. You're talking about doing magic tricks. See about becoming an assistant for a magician, perhaps he'll teach you some of his tricks.

  3. check this link,and have fun,

  4. Seriously, don't waste your time.  Strange inexplicable things happen to people all the time.  This would fall into that category.  You can't force this type of thing.  If it's gonna happen at all, it will happen when you lose your temper, get upset over something, or when you least expect it.  Some people, especially if they have died, which is admittedly kinda weird, have things break, go dead (batteries), or melt/burn quicker around them, but they are not actively seeking this result.  This is not something you or anyone else can legitimately claim as an ability, or learn to perform.

  5. If you want to learn about the subject without having to sort through a lot of anonymous answers by strangers, about whom you know nothing, including whether they know anything, there's a way to learn.

    The reading list below can act as a source for you. Most of the titles can be found in your local library. If they don't have them they can borrow them from another library.

    So you'd like to learn about Metaphysical Experiments You Can Do Yourself.

    So you'd like to... Become Paranormal? Maybe you already are:

  6. Although Mentalists claim to be part magician, part psychic, trust me when I say they are all magician. I have been to a number of shows with mentalists and they use classic psychic magic tricks that go back to harry houdini.

    A typical trick for a mentalist to perform is the blind card reading. You have one plant in the audience who cooperates with you. Have everyone write down answers to specific questions that you ask, put these cards in an envelope and place them in a bowl.

    Pick up a card, and make up answers. Your plant will agree that these are his answers. Then open it up to verify it. You are actually looking at someone elses answers. Memorize them quickly.

    Draw the next card. Now here is where it gets good. You recite the information you read on the first card. The person will be amazed. You open up the card to verify the info. Then memorize it, and pick the next card.

    Get the picture?

    Bending spoons and ring tricks and the bite out of the quarter trick can probably be picked up online, check ebay. They are classics, great for parties.
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