
Mentally Handicapped? *ADULTS ONLY* Settle a bet.?

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Without getting into whether it is ethically or morally right, from a legal viewpoint can you have s*x with someone who is retarded? They are trusted with jobs where they can work with food and chemicals and potentially injure people, they are trusted behind the wheel and a split second decision can be the difference between life and death for potentiallymany people, and they are also trusted with the right to vote and impact key legislature that can affext milions of people's lives. It shoud stand to reason that they should also be trusted with the decision to have s*x. Are there laws that say that you cant have s*x with retarded people?




  1. This is rude to even ask just to settle a bet. Also why must you even use the term retarded why not just use mentally handicap instead of making your self out to seem ever more rude and uncaring?

  2. Not that i know of, however, the carer that is looking after the mentally handicapped person i think does have some say in their reproductive rights, for example, i read an article once about the carer making the mentally handicapped person get sterilised because they didnt want the responsibility of the child of the mentally handicapped person. But as far as having s*x goes, i dont think there is a law against it...

  3. I would think that it would be determined case to case.  Does the person function on a level that would be considered a mature adult level of decision making?  Is the person under the care or guidance of another?

    I would say no.  If you are deeply in love with the other person, I suggest you seek counseling to determine your next steps together.

  4. i guess it depends on the severity of their retardation, if they where really out of it and theres no way to prove it was consentual s*x then you might get charged with rape

  5. I don't see what is wrong with having intercourse with someone who is in control of their faculties. If there is any doubt that they know what is going on then, Yes that would  be wrong.

  6. just spank your monkey or get a hooker. s*x with a mentally handicapped person is rape.

  7. The decision re s*x is not about trust. The legality around s*x with another is based upon the question of informed consent. In terms of people with intellectual disability, it would depend on whether they have enough capacity to understand the decision they are making in having s*x. This includes understanding the act that they are agreeing to and the consequences of such an act. Some people do not have the intellectual capacity to understand these things and are thus, deemed unable to make such a decision. Generally, s*x between an intellectually disabled person and a full functioning adult would constitute abuse. Due to their limited functioning, it would be the equivalent of having s*x with a child, and that's illegal. There would be a power/knowledge imbalance that would put the intellectually disabled person in a position where they could be easily manipulated.

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