
Mentally challenged kids?

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Ok well I’m going into college in a year after I earn more money to afford it... well I’m going for dealing with mentally challenged kids. I just want to know how many people are doing this and what you think about? I know these kids always make me super happy and I love being around them... I’m just wondering how others enjoy it as a full time job.




  1. I love what I do. When I was in college I worked for the county as a respite provider. That gave me more of an idea what to expect. But I worked with kids and adults with a wide variety of disabilities. I also worked in daycare for kids with disabilities. And let me tell you just cause these kids have some disabilities they could still wrap you around their fingers. But I often looked past their handicap and saw them, and that's the most important thing to remember.

    I now work with high school students and I enjoy it every day. The best thing is, every day brings you something different. There are stresses that come with it but overall I find it to be a very rewarding job.

  2. I have been a special ed teacher for almost 20 years.  I love my job, but it's not always a super happy job.  This population of children usually has a lot of problems with social interaction.  I feel as though I am always putting out fires!  While many of them are extremely loving and make me super happy, many of them need functional behavior plans and manifestation determinations.  There are a lot of family issues that you have to deal with as well that are very intensive and troubling.  It's a lot of work and is extremely challenging a lot of the time....but I tell everyone that I have the best job in the world...and most days, I mean that! :)

  3. I used to be an art teacher and I had a mentally challenged child in my class, her name was Annabella, It was fun helping her but sometimes its a little aggravating so you MUST be patient to have this job. that's all I pretty much know they only had art on Thursdays!

  4. I really enjoyed it, too. However, my first degree was in early childhood (regular ed), then I went for my master's in special ed. This makes me highly qualified for elementary special ed.

    You need to be highly qualified to teach nowadays due to NCLB (No Child Left Behind).

    I have had much more pleasure teaching special ed than regular ed. I've been in special ed for 20 years and taught regular ed for 7 years.

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