main question (there's probably a lot of stuff u dont rly care about):
where can i see the artwork of mentally disturbed people?
well, i've always been interested in how the human mind works, i have a baby sister who is a lot younger than me, the age difference is really big and she's cute and all, but i often wonder a lot about her. she's not abnormal or anything, a normal baby, but im really interested in the development of the human mind too. well anyway, ive also become interested in mentally disturbed people. i know they have a books on it and stuff, but 'patients' and disturbed people in general have journals or more specifically what im interested in is their artwork. i love drawing and art, and im interested in the human mind as i said, so i want to look into it. i know a lot of patients/abnormal people do a lot of drawings or paintings or pastels. where can i see these artworks?