
Mentally disturbed people? artwork and journals?

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main question (there's probably a lot of stuff u dont rly care about):

where can i see the artwork of mentally disturbed people?

well, i've always been interested in how the human mind works, i have a baby sister who is a lot younger than me, the age difference is really big and she's cute and all, but i often wonder a lot about her. she's not abnormal or anything, a normal baby, but im really interested in the development of the human mind too. well anyway, ive also become interested in mentally disturbed people. i know they have a books on it and stuff, but 'patients' and disturbed people in general have journals or more specifically what im interested in is their artwork. i love drawing and art, and im interested in the human mind as i said, so i want to look into it. i know a lot of patients/abnormal people do a lot of drawings or paintings or pastels. where can i see these artworks?




  1. You might want to look up 'savants' they tend to have different wiring than the rest of us.People with ordinary minds are called "neurotypical" but I don't think anyone is neurotypical....we are all mentally disturbed.  

  2. I don't know that you can. Lots of disturbed people don't realize they're disturbed so they aren't going to post it on some psychological journal's website.



  4. The subject you are searching for is called 'art therapy.' Sometimes hospitals actually display works of their patients in the corridors of their hospitals. A reference librarian should be able to help you find books on the subject.

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