
Mentally unable to drive?

by Guest67179  |  earlier

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I'm curious if it's possible for someone who doesn't have any mental disabilities to be unable to drive. Because I cannot for the life of me keep focus on driving for more than a few minutes, and a couple of times my instructor has had to grab the wheel to keep me from going into the next lane. Is this something that can be worked out, or am I doomed to be a passenger for the rest of my life?

This only happens to me when I drive. I'm usually pretty focused when working on things that take a lot of time and patience.




  1. Practice makes will get more confidence as you make yourself drive. It is normal to be really nervous when you start out.

  2. I hope they don't give you a licence if that is what you mean.  YES it is possible for someone to not be able to drive.  You have to be able to pay attention at all times and not be distracted by things.  If you can't concentrate on it for more than a few minutes, than do the rest of us a favor and don't drive.  Who will you kill in the process of getting over this?  a family?  a newlywed couple just starting out? is that really something you would be ready to live with for the rest of your life to try to get over the problem?  seems like a no brainer to me.  DON'T DRIVE PLEASE

  3. what is it exactly that's distracting you?  when you are the driver, you can't watch or pay attention to things you can as a passenger.  you're operating a 2 ton metal verhicle that can easily kill someone, so paying attention is of the utmost importance.  if you're not able to keep your eyes on the road and your mind focused, you just need to stay off the road, for everyone's sake.  you need to figure out why you are so easily distracted and figure out how not to be if you really want to drive.  you'd never be able to live with yourself if you hurt someone by accident because you weren't paying attention.  if you think it's a serious problem, ask your doctor.  perhaps it's a slight case of ADD???  good luck.

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