
Menus for Presidential Inaugural Balls?

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I have what may seem to be an odd question. My friend is a chef at a Country Club, and he is searching for the menus for Presidential Inaugural Balls. My search has come up with only a couple, and he would like several, naturally. Does anyone know of a place online we could find these? It wouldn't even have to be a complete list, just a few more than we've found. (We've only got three so far, and that's after hours of searching.) Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!




  1. It is a bit of an odd question but then I am an aficionado of old cook books and have a copy of a cookbook from the White House 1887 edition.  Doesn't specifically give a Presidential Inaugural Ball menu, however, it does have special menus and one is for a State Dinner at White House: - I'll give it to you:

    Blue points

    Haute Sautern - Amontilliado



    Potage tortue a l'Anglaise Comsomme Printaniere Royale


    Hors D'oevres

    Canape a la Russe  Timbales a la Talleyrand

    Rauenthler (wine)



    Saumon, Sauce Hollandaise   ------ Grenadines de Bass

    Pommes de Tere Duchee ------Cucumber sald

    Ernest Jeroy (wine)



    Selle d'Agneau, Sauce Menthe -----Filet de Boeuf & Richelieu

    Chateau Margause (wine)



    Ris de Veau  a la Perignex ----Cotelettes d'Agneau d'or Maison

    ====Terrapin a la Maryland=====Punch Cardinal

    Clas de Vougeot (wine)



    Canvas Back Duck



    German Asparagus-----Petit Pois


    Gelee au Champagne ------Plombiere aux Framboise


    Pudding Diplomate


    Cafe----liqueurs -----

    Fruit --- Fromage.


    Evidently the White House favoured an International cuisine and had French Chefs.

    The book also has a buffet for 1,000 people and is a cold service.

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