
Mercury in energy efficient bulbs?

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Someone told me that they heard someone broke one of those energy efficient bulbs and had to spend $2000 to get the mercury cleaned up. Is this legitimate?




  1. It shouldn't cost $2,000.  I don't know where they broke the bulb, but it's pretty easy to clean up a broken CFL.

    Did they say where they broke the bulb?  Did they have some company come over and "professionally" clean up the place?

  2. No, you can clean up a broken compact fluorescent bulb yourself.  Just open a window (weather permitting), sweep up all bulb fragments, put in one bag tie it and throw it away.  The amount of mercury in a CF bulb actually is less then what is released into the air by powering a incandescent light bulb.

  3. No, that was an urban myth started by Steve Milloy of and Fox News.

    Basically a professional environmental cleanup company told her it would cost them $2000 to clean it up, but she could easily do it herself for free.

    The amount of mercury in a CFL is the size of the tip of a ball point pen.  The US EPA has instructions on how to clean up a broken CFL yourself (for free) here:

  4. It's a lie, The Green tip bulbs have a lower content of lead, and mercury. The U.S. Federal limit for disposal is < .2 mg/liter. These bulbs typically have about .11 to .16 mg/liter.

    There would be no fines, or extravegent clean up costs.

  5. there IS mercury in energy effeciant lightbulbs im not suprised that he broke it and it probly leaked on him but unless he's a total idiot and left it on his skin for mare than 5min and didnt wash it off he should of been fine :\

  6. That's crazy.  The long fluorescent tubes we've used for ages are no different and you don't hear that about them, do you?  The cfl's are just like them, only much smaller.

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