
Mermaid hunting: where's the best spot?

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A friend of mine has worked out that depth charges will stun them, I just need to know where to drop them? We're going to start a mermaid aquarium. Train them to jump through hoops, that sort of thing.




  1. You can come to Greece, for starters. Lots of sea, and mermaids since ancient times. You should be careful though, cause Greek mermaids are said to be extra vicious and bloodthirsty. You might even end up as a stone statue if you try to catch a gorgon (mermaid sub-species) instead, or just die any painful way imaginable if you give the wrong answer to the sister of Alexander the Great (VIP mermaid). Just tell her that the King is very alive thank you and he says hi. She might even tip you then.

  2. well if you really wanna find and capture mermaids, i'd suggest you go to Atlantis ... if you can find it that is. but be warned, they're not as friendly as you think they are. oh, no. they're feisty little devils and if you give them the chance they WILL try and chew your toes off. be careful.

    and if that doesn't work you can always go to the library. you know... shift through books ... and fairy tales. maybe The Little Mermaid will help.

  3. Fascinating!  Good luck trying to train a mermaid, they are as stubborn as they are elusive.  

  4. ...are you people actually serious?

  5. The magical land of narnia

  6. depth charges tend to damage the scales on their tails.  Nets work better.  But if you must use depth charges best place is between your ears as that is where most are found.

  7. are you for real?because mermaids are not real.

  8. A multitude of mermaids have been spotted at Y/A answers. In the last few days I've heard how all these "Insouciant, inclemency, eat sushi and sashimi"  spells have people growing tails (ROFLMAO) left and right. Please post pix so we can see the wonders of the world. Good luck and good hunting.

  9. I am sorry to tell you but that is not gonna happen. Mermaids are not what they are portrayed to be on t.v.

    If you want to go hunting for one, try St.Thomas and the U.S. Virgin Island or try the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, I am sure there are other places which they might be found but those are two good places to start.

    Good luck to you.

  10. I would start with one of the oceans and work my way around.

  11. So it's not a case Mermaider (it's mermaid murder) you want to catch and train them.

    Well I think the best place to start would be with web searches.See if you can find anyone who has reported seeing them and do follow ups. If it all sounds good and not someone being off their rocker, than it's time for a road trip. Investigate the h**l out of the waters. Leave no seaweed unchecked.

    It will take some time and a lot of money but it will all be worth it in the end.

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