
Mermaid spells please!?

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if anyone is a teenage mermaid can you tell me what spell you used. i used one it starts with

insosent inclemency

and i forget the rest LOL. but can you please tell me please!!!!




  1. Guest59327

     make your own :) hope it works 4 u blessed be!

  2. yea heres a spell


    water of nature talk unto me water of nature,sea creature, and I will never leave each untill I resign oh great ocean oh great sea answer my want answer my need make me a mermaid-repeat 3 times

  3. ugh I WANT A SPELL ive tried the Insouciant spell and it doesnt work for me i thought i was getting a side effect but once it stopped nothing nothing at all i really want a spell plz anyone who can help me?


  4. a little birdie told me that the insouciant spell is cursed. i tried it before but then  i stopped in case it was true...but i am a huge believer in mermaids!

  5. hello im looking for a spell not one thats hard 2 pronounce i need one that works right away PLEASE!

  6. go to gogene.comit stands for go gene

  7. Hello and for the pepole that said to go in loo well WE ARE SEREOS HERE AND NOT GOING TO GO TO THE LOO AT NIGHT AND SPIN AROUND!!!!!!!! and for the pepole that are just wanting to be a mermaid well I have a few spells I don't know if they work But I hope they do!!
    If you need help on makeing a spell I will help cuz I heard that it was more powerful.  Here is my email

  8. i have just done that spell above and my legs fell all giddy and and im shirvering alot now could you stop being a mermaid ever

  9. How to make a drimking spell help....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i wanna b a mermaid!!! :(:(:(

  11. To guest 5845- I just did the spell and I fell woozy and tired whats happening to me.?????????????????????????????

  12. iv just done the spell and fell really dizzy and alot of erdge to  drink water i really hope it works , just a munit i said that i felt dizzy now i feel hyper and want to go swimmig and eat lobster  andfish and drink loads more water howlong will this last for and after doing the spel will i be a meirmade for ever

  13. I'll tell you how.
    Go into your bathroom and drop a huge brown t**d out your a**e into the bowl of the toilet.
    Now, spin round three times, at midnight, and then say 'I am a moron' out loud before thrusting your head, face first, right into the sticky brown mess.
    Hold it there for 7 minutes and then relax. Breathe in the toilet water until you stop breathing altogether.
    there, simple. It really works!

  14. Okay i havent tried this but im thiking of doing it .
    On a full moon night go to the sea and get a sea shell.
    Then go in the water get a bit of water ( make sure the full moon is shining on u and u can also use a little bow or cup for this) get a little bit of salt water and with the shell cut your finger and le blood drip into it. then ( make sure you have made your own  spell for this) say ur spell and drink the water (but as you say ur spell the moon had to be shining on the water) after get out dry urself and go straight to sleep BUT DO NOT LOOK AT THE FULL MOON OR YOU WILL REGRET IT !! after this it takes about a week to turn into a mermaid you do not get to choose your colour of tail or your power. You might also get side effects

    Good Luck hope it
    works for u xx

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