
Mermaids do exist, i just so happened to have found out!

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For I have to admit that for many years of my Life I to refuse to believe that such creatures existed.... Until one day someone handed me a research paper that they had done on the subject of merpeople... Now after reading that research paper of my fellow college student I found myself wanting more and more information on this subject.. And that is how my research on merpeople started.... First off I started reading some ancient writting by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Persians and several other ancient sea farring Groups of people... And the stories they tell about merpeople told wme why shuch a great hatred exist even unto this day between deepsea fishermen and sailors and merpeople... And in the last year there have been over 20 reports from America, and several other countries that talk about their deep-sea fishermen catching and killing merpeople caught in their deep-sea fishing-nets.... And when they were interviewed as to why did they kill that merperson, They are reported to be seeking revenge from a earlier incident that happen to one of their crewmen that was taken by a merperson after falling over board for one reason or another.... Then I decided to do some research by visting other countries and see what information that they would release to an outsider... And they were kind enough to release information dating back some 200 years.. And it cost me several hundred dollards getting this information translated by a couple of government translater but after reading this information I found that it was well worth the money that I spent...... Then having this new found information and coming back to America I stumbled across someone that gave me information that existed on the freedom of information act.. And the information I gather from that blew me out of my seat... I found information from Sailors and fishermen from WW-I and WW-II and the merchant marines that had their ship sunk by enemy action.. And I even found some Information that talked about the Trans-Atlantic- Crossing during the slave trade period that was truly amazing... Now in WW-I there are tons of stories about ships being sunk by enemy fire By American, French, And German and a few other that told stories about survivors fight off merpeople to save injured Sailor from being taken by merpeople> And I have stories that say that merpeople were just as bad as the shark attacks that these sailor fought off.. And in WW-II there were even stories by sailor that stated under oath that merpeople were just as bad as Shark when it came to takeing their men.... Now I don't expect one person to take my word as truth... But this informmation is there for any American or anyone else that can get into the freedom of informat file by just a few clicks on their computers.... And I know that many will call me a Numb-Nut... BUt these are the sams people that will just sit on their butts and not do I second of research on their own... But they will just sit ther and say how crazy And say how crazy a person is.. And I could care less.. And I am really sick and tired of those that want you to do all their work for them.. And are just to lazy to press a few keys.... But if there is one person out that does just an half an hour of work you will be totally suprise at the wealth of information that is out there that tells you the truth about merpeople..................................

And the real crazy fact that merpeople and those other not existing creatures have been around since the dawn of man-kind...................................

i have thought about putting all of this information in a book. But I was told many times I would maybe sell no more than 10 copies.....

i am a paranormal researcher and investigator, And yes I do believe in the existences of spirits.... As for ufo's I witness one landing in AZ.. I did not see aliens leave the ship for when one of us stood up that ship took off quicker then a lightening strike... And nothing that we have on this earth could come close to matching that flying disk speed.....




  1. "and don't me rude! i've only seen 1 nice answer from Nicole. the rest of you are being mean!"

    They're not "being mean", you're just being childish about criticism. Your "proof" is not proof. I can't believe someone that claims to be in college can be fooled so easily.  

  2. you really are something. everything from your profile to your answers. stealing others work and pictures. i would suggest not trying to appear chemically imbalanced. there is no such thing as mermaids, the first appearance of mermaids is when a man drew a picture book for kids, and then later they made "Ariel". the original artist indicated that he created the image by thinking of the most beautiful woman in the beautiful ocean.

  3. First, try not to confuse the meanings of "mean" and "honest" here.

    You have a lot to say here and it's an interesting story - but this is clearly not a question.  This would be considered a rant, and violates your agreement to abide by the terms of service of Y!A.

    I would suggest that if you don't want to write a book about your research and experiences, that you start by blogging about them - there are several sites where you can set up a blog free of charge. This is not really the appropriate forum to be posting all of this. If you attract a ton of readers at a blog on these paranormal and mysterious subjects, that would also be a good indication of how a book might do.

    However, I would suggest a bit of editing if you decide to write, because the way you're rambling on here - you do come across as sounding a bit crazy - it's not just because of the subject matter, it's how you are presenting it.  If you were rambling on like this about your last trip to the grocery store, with improper grammar and punctuation and incomplete sentences, half thoughts, etc. - it would still be hard to read and accept.

    And lastly - the hot topic around here lately isn't really a debate about whether mermaids exist (or ever existed) or not - the thing is that a bunch of kids who watch the fictional television show "H2O: Just Add Water" are convinced that they can use magic to turn themselves into mermaids.  Which I am still going to say is impossible.  

    Has any of your research proven that any human ever cast a spell to turn themselves into a mermaid and suceeded?  Seriously, if we could turn ourselves into a different species, why aren't more people doing so? I would be tempted to turn myself into a labrador retriever, because every lab I know lives the life of Riley.  

    I honestly don't have a problem with kids believing that mythical creatures are or once were real and imagining what it would like to be one - but their inability to separate reality from fiction/imagination, their belief that everything they see on a fictional television show is a real possibility - this concerns me about the mental state of today's teens, as well as what's happening with our educational system these days.

  4. oh yeahhh

    and the tooth fairy, easter bunny, Santa clause, and talking animals are real too..

    and ufos are definitely NOT real!!


  5. well, i don't really think that i should believe that... because, if mermaids are true, there should be some of them swimming around in discovery channel or national geografic, or news. Nice story, though...

    and about that UFO... maybe you were hallucinating. peace... ^ ^

  6. OH MY!!!!!! you know what i am really really interested about mermaids. i am a 'mermaid wannabe".. and as far as know, these creatures have this hypnotizing powers, and well, i have read a pocket book that stated that, merpeople were once leaving in the land, but when a volcano errupted, their city sunk. i guess that is why it is called the " the Lost city of Atlantis". and some believe that this city could be found under water somewhere. which i generally believe that this story is from Greek mythology. now thank you for sharing your researches.. may i know your friendster account? i really want to know more about mermaids and creatures like that. mine is, expecting your reply... thanks again

  7. yep!! i believe it. i believe what u say. u know what?? i'm an indian and in our indian mythology, a lot many interesting facts are there.if u find time, just go through translated indian works. there was a god, who, for a cause, took the form of a merperson. interesting?? and they say that a city called dwaraka where this god (god krishna) lived was attacked or kinda that and thats why he put the whole city, dwaraka in water. its a looooong story. u must really read all these indian works. in one book, its given about airoplanes. but the book was written some lakhs of years ago. in a book, they wrote about extraterrestrial creatures. its sooo interesting if u can read'em. i'll find time to tell u more. bye for now.

  8. I don't understand the question.

  9. Wow I am very familar with your work... For I too am a paranormal researcher and investigator.... And I am sorry to say that no matter how honest and true your word may be.. You will find that so many people are still stuck in the stupid mode.. So keep up the good work by putting the truth out there for all to see....

  10. I am not of the opinion that mermaids exist, but I like the idea they might. Whoever told you you would only sell "no more than 10 copies..." was full of c**p.

    If you have done the research, and have the documentation to prove (or even rationally support) the existence of merpeople, it would blow the roof off the cryptozoology field. It would be foolish (and almost unethical) NOT to publish such a book. Go for it, it would be BIG...  

  11. if u did make i book i can assure u i would buy it and y know i belive u but i also thin k not all merpeople are evil i think its just like on land there are killers and there are givers good and bad is everywhere

  12. Wow, that's a lot of words that don't prove anything.


  13. Well, no need to go to a supermarket and buy a big salmon.

  14. yeah right they are myths

  15. Wow.  You did a lot of research and you should let other know! If you have found proof or anything thing that can at least support the existence of merpeople then you should publish it.  There will be someone out there that will publish it, and many more people than you think will buy it.  I would. It would definitely shock many people and , it would be huge really.  You should writ your book and get it published. Don't listen to others.  Follow your believes.  And good for you doing all that research!! Don't let it go to waste.  

  16. I actually believe you there is part of the ocean we have yet to see how can we say there are merpeople or not  

  17. Apparently someone knows how gullible you are and is pulling on your leg. And you in turn think the rest of the world is as gullible. And I am not being mean, just honest.  

  18. yeah right. so do elves, fairies, leprichauns, e.t., Santa Claus and superman. they all exist! yipee!

  19. Mermaids don't exist.

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