For I have to admit that for many years of my Life I to refuse to believe that such creatures existed.... Until one day someone handed me a research paper that they had done on the subject of merpeople... Now after reading that research paper of my fellow college student I found myself wanting more and more information on this subject.. And that is how my research on merpeople started.... First off I started reading some ancient writting by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Persians and several other ancient sea farring Groups of people... And the stories they tell about merpeople told wme why shuch a great hatred exist even unto this day between deepsea fishermen and sailors and merpeople... And in the last year there have been over 20 reports from America, and several other countries that talk about their deep-sea fishermen catching and killing merpeople caught in their deep-sea fishing-nets.... And when they were interviewed as to why did they kill that merperson, They are reported to be seeking revenge from a earlier incident that happen to one of their crewmen that was taken by a merperson after falling over board for one reason or another.... Then I decided to do some research by visting other countries and see what information that they would release to an outsider... And they were kind enough to release information dating back some 200 years.. And it cost me several hundred dollards getting this information translated by a couple of government translater but after reading this information I found that it was well worth the money that I spent...... Then having this new found information and coming back to America I stumbled across someone that gave me information that existed on the freedom of information act.. And the information I gather from that blew me out of my seat... I found information from Sailors and fishermen from WW-I and WW-II and the merchant marines that had their ship sunk by enemy action.. And I even found some Information that talked about the Trans-Atlantic- Crossing during the slave trade period that was truly amazing... Now in WW-I there are tons of stories about ships being sunk by enemy fire By American, French, And German and a few other that told stories about survivors fight off merpeople to save injured Sailor from being taken by merpeople> And I have stories that say that merpeople were just as bad as the shark attacks that these sailor fought off.. And in WW-II there were even stories by sailor that stated under oath that merpeople were just as bad as Shark when it came to takeing their men.... Now I don't expect one person to take my word as truth... But this informmation is there for any American or anyone else that can get into the freedom of informat file by just a few clicks on their computers.... And I know that many will call me a Numb-Nut... BUt these are the sams people that will just sit on their butts and not do I second of research on their own... But they will just sit ther and say how crazy And say how crazy a person is.. And I could care less.. And I am really sick and tired of those that want you to do all their work for them.. And are just to lazy to press a few keys.... But if there is one person out that does just an half an hour of work you will be totally suprise at the wealth of information that is out there that tells you the truth about merpeople..................................
And the real crazy fact that merpeople and those other not existing creatures have been around since the dawn of man-kind...................................
i have thought about putting all of this information in a book. But I was told many times I would maybe sell no more than 10 copies.....
i am a paranormal researcher and investigator, And yes I do believe in the existences of spirits.... As for ufo's I witness one landing in AZ.. I did not see aliens leave the ship for when one of us stood up that ship took off quicker then a lightening strike... And nothing that we have on this earth could come close to matching that flying disk speed.....