
Merry Christmas to all on this section...?

by  |  earlier

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...what do you think of Espeleta's proposal for Control Electronics in the coming years?

Personally I would like to see the bike's going back to the 500 days of rider skill getting the bike round the track, but on the other hand, it is MotoGP and it is about using the best technology and developing it.




  1. Merry Christmas "Cheryl H"

  2. I think Espeleta needs to hang up is $5000 suit jacket and resign.

    He has done to get MotoGP to the level it is, but he is trying to change things that dont need changing.

    Dont tell me, Im the only one who thought the single tyre rule was pocket liner? Espeleta would have recieved a massive back hander for that.

    As to your first line of question, Merry Xmas to and your family. Have a great day, and spoil them kids rotton !!

  3. merry christmas to all...

    yeah bring back the 500's lets see the proper riders again

  4. Merry Christmas and to all a good night! haha

  5. Its getting more like F1.  It should be about skill not electronics etc.

  6. they have to keep developing the bikes and long may they contuine to do so.

  7. cool

  8. Merry Christmas Cheryl.  I think if its not broken - Improve it.

    Let developement commence. no holds barred etc..

  9. Merry Christmas too and indeed to all here.

    I am against control anything really in the Moto GP class. If I had my way I would say lay things down in a fairly simple way such as (I am pretty tired right now, so this is just a mad thought)

    Maximum engine capacity of 1000cc.

    A maximum octane fuel rating.

    All engines normally asperated i.e no turbo charging , super charging etc.

    No traction or anti lock braking controls of any kind.

    All bikes must have only two wheels, be chain final drive to the rear wheel with no minimum weight specified.

    Other than that its open season.

  10. Seasons greetings

  11. Hey Cheryl

    Merry Crimbo to you and your clan - hope someone wrapped your new helmet for you (or have you been wearing it already?)

    As for the racing - as long as it's tight and exciting - bring it on!

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