
Mesa pilot development!!?????????!!?

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well i been wanting to become a airline pilot i am still in highschool but someone reffered me to mesa pilot development it is in new mexico does anyone know about this college is it a good? if so please reply thanks!!!




  1. Choose your flight school very carefully. If you want to do allot of flying quick then go to a community college and take the money saved and go do research and find a good flight instuctor. Not a "young sharp guy" either, you want someone with experience. An old freight pilot or something! If you want a good pilot you go fing an old freight or airline pilot. Now also be careful if you learn in NM cause there is not much  weather out there to cut your teeth on. I have heard of mesaba pilot's not flying cause there is "allot of ice out there" and they brought in another crew and flew it out no problem. They had no experience, you have to get in the weather and have flight instructor with experince. Not a flight instructor that went to the same school that he or she is teaching cause he or she has not done anything else, therefore no experince.

  2. Anything associated with Jonathan Orenstein should be suspect. What with the $80 million lawsuit that Hawaiian Airlines won against Mesa recently, and a larger one that Aloha has an even better chance of winning, I suspect that Mesa Airlines will not be long with us. You could be halfway through the program with a lot of money invested when they close the doors on the program.

    Mesa is currently losing pilots faster than they can hire them. That's not a good sign in this business.

    Go to college and fly at a local flight school out in the country somewhere. The ratings are gonna be the same whether you got them at Joe's Flight School and Bait Shop, or Embry Riddle. How good a pilot you are is not dependant upon where you went, but how much dedication you put into being a great pilot.

  3. Not among the best that's for sure, particularly considering the cost. I'm an ex-Mesa captain (no, they didn't train me ab-initio at their flight school) and I flew with a lot of their graduates. I was not overly impressed; they were not bad per se, but not great either.  And the other fellow is right about Ornstein and the Mesa "legacy".  I'd say that you should steer clear and find another school.

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