
Mesoamerican Ruins?

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What are the best sites to see Mesoamerican (Mayan, Aztec, etc) Ruins, and what are the best ways to go about traveling to them and seeing them?




  1. Hello, I am an expert on the meso-American ruins. And have spent about a year of my life traveling to visit them. And 15 years lecturing about them in English and Spanish.

    visit MAYA ruins......the MAYAN language.

    If you could go to Mexico and visit Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and Palenque on your first visit, you will cherish the memories for your whole life.

    1. First, read as much as you can BEFORE you visit.

    2. Your budget will determine where and how far you can go.

    3. Mexico is the place to begin. Stay away from expensive Cancun. Start in Merida, Mexico and see Chichen Itza and Uxmal.

    4. Then go to Mexico City and see Teotihuacan.

    5. See Monte Alban, Oaxaca if you can afford such a distant location.

    6. TIKAL, Guatemala is the biggest and best of all, but it is very remote and difficult to reach, in the northern jungle.

    7. In Chiapas, Mexico you have some beautiful ruins, and you can see them one day at a time. PALENQUE is important (a 3-story tower and big pyramid) YAXCHILAN and PIEDRAS NEGRAS are remotely found along the Usumacinta river.

    8. Someday?? visit Copan, Honduras for excellent sculptures and heiroglyphic writings. also a remote site in the jungle.

    But please read about all these places beforehand so you know the difference between Maya, Toltec, Mixtec, Olmec. And know the time line of Meso American history

  2. There are tons of tours in Mexico, some of them you even come back alive.

  3. Try   . This may no be the exact e-mail address, try some variations.

      I have toured the south central areas of Mexico, and the pyramids are great.

    Uncle Wil

  4. Check out archeology magazine online.  There is a link for tours of many areas of interest and experiences and many ranges of prices.

  5. Mexico City and the surrounding areas for Aztec.  The Yucatan peninsulas for Mayan.
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