
Messed up asian eyelids?

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im asian and basically everyday my eyelide is different. sometimes i have a fold, sometimes i dont. its so annoying! does anyone else get that?




  1. asians eyelids usually all look like that right?

  2. taht girl is kinda ignorant eh mom and sister do...sometimes they have a lid sometimes not...i have lids tho...i dont think thye are messed up...just right on the verge of having lids and not having double maybe sometiems u have lids because ur eyes are swollen...i notice when i ice my face with frozen spoons or the gell mask, the upper chunk..i dunno what else to call it lol...u know from the brow and down before that lid crease...that the double lids stand out more sor some that goes away lol...either way ul basically know if ir lids ar swollen and puffy or not after u do that.

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