
Messy Eater??

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I have always been a messy eater ever since I was real little. Of course it has gotten better but it can still be embarassing. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me.

I am very picky and I usually pick at my food and make a mess on my plate and I sometimes get food on my clothes or on my face and of course I use a napkin to wipe it off but it would be better if I could prevent that in the first place. Also I have wierd habbits like I don't eat the ends of foods like french fries and people make fun of me. Any tips?? Thanks!!




  1. It's just a bad habit, picking at your food.   You can break it.  I use a fork to eat hot sanwiches, pizza  and fries. People think that it is strange, but I cant stand for my hands to be greasy or my face.

  2. Why don't you practice with your back straight. It gets better on its own though. My sister used to be a really messy eater but not really now. And I am VERY picky too, but my mom says that it's getting better. I heard that it takes 10 times to get used to a food.

  3. please don't take honestly as rudeness!  thank you!

    you stated your a picky eater -- or you pick at your food  those are 2 different things picky eater only eats certian things

    picking at your food is playing with it! -- if you stop that alone you may see results!  that that is the main cause of the problem... and you wanted to prevent that in the first place!  and that's where it started!

    LOL i thought i was the only one who didn't eat the ends of fries! LOL sweet!  no one has made fun of me for it yet i wouldn't notice if they did!  guess i'm focused on more important things!

    try it!
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