
Messy bedroom! HELP!!! How can i keep it tidy?

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My room ALWAYS seems to be a dump with clothes, shoes, toys and stuff all over the floor!!! And when my mates come round unexpected and my rooms got underwear all over the floor and it looks like world war 3s just happened it don't look pretty! How can i keep it tidy so unexpected visits from friends can be fun instead of embarrassing... Thanks..x




  1. Never go to bed with out your clothing in a hamper... Take off clothing and toss free throw style in to hamper and be happy.  Too many clothes and too many Things are always a push to the messy side.  I know this from experience.  A hamper for each lights, darks and perm-press can be a big happy face.

  2. The obvious answer is to clean your room.  But maybe you could try putting everything in piles?  For instance, I'll start stacking clean clothes that need to be put away on a chair in the corner so they're off the floor.  I keep a hamper in my room and immediately put my dirty clothes in there.  Maybe get a bucket or a plastic bin and drop your toys in their after using them.  Put all your extra papers in a stack on top of your bookshelf.  

    The key is to up your cleaning, but not to get overwhelmed by the project since you don't seem to be a naturally tidy person.  Dumping things in specific areas is a nice, easy transition into living in a neat space.  After you get used to "dumping", you'll eventually start feeling like THAT is messy, so you'll move on to the next step - always putting clothes away immediately, having things lined up neatly on your shelves, etc.

    Good luck!  

  3. The initial clean-up will be the hardest.  Make the bed.  Put dirty clothes, socks and underwear in the laundry hamper.  Fold up clean clothes and put them away.  Get a big Tupperware or toy box for the toys.  Books should be lined up on a shelf - I like to line them up tallest to shortest if they are a variety of sizes, or stack like sizes on different shelves.  Papers go in a plastic crate or organizer on a desk or table.  Pens and stuff like that go great in a coffee mug on the desk, with stapler and things like that next to it.  Sweep and/or vacuum the floor and dust the TV, desk, shelves and anything else that needs touching up.

    Maintenance is much less difficult than this first step.  Make sure you always put your clothes away at the end of the day, whether it be put stuff in the laundry hamper or fold up and put away.  Laundry should be done weekly, and immediately folded and put away.  Toys should be picked up and put away at the end of the day (or in my case with my toddler, at nap time and then again at the end of the day).  Foodstuff gets put away immediately after use, with dishes washed right away and put in their place (in my case, next to my sink).  Unneeded papers get thrown away right away instead of stacking up, and important papers get filed in their box or wherever you're assigned for them.  Pens and stuff should be put away right after use.  Put books back on the shelf when you're done with them, and if you need to keep them out for some reason (in my case, for studying), stack them neatly on your desk or a table next to your favorite reading chair.  Dust and sweep every other day, and vacuum once a week.  Make the bed first thing in the morning every day, and don't forget to put away your PJs right away too.  

    After the initial cleanup, maintaining things in this way will keep your room clean and organized - and not to mention visitor-worthy.

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