
Met a great woman at a paid dating sight, what does a few extra pounds mean?

by Guest44797  |  earlier

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I joined a popular dating sight and met a wonderful woman. We have been talking fo about 3 weeks getting to know each other. We have both been cheated on by our exes and divorced. She is very attractive atleast from the neck up..She has in her profile "a few extra pounds" I can't ask her waht she weights but 10 maybe even 30 pounds over weight is fine but 100# pounds over weight probably won't work. I'm not shallow but I do need some physical attraction to her body, sorry if this offends anyone, just me. What does a few extra pounds mean..I'm skinny pushing average 6'2 195#..




  1. I would take it as her being "curvy"....not stick thin

  2. Everybody has a different view on what they look like.  In today's society, if a woman is a size 12 or above, that is considered to be overweight.  She may be just playing safe by saying that so she doesn't disappoint anyone looking for that stick thin woman.  Don't judge everything on a person's looks, you may really dig her no matter how much she weighs.  Ask her for a picture.

  3. I would say it could mean anything.  Firstly it could mean she is just a few pounds overweight like maybe one dress size.  Then again, no one is going to write they are obese so that could be her way of letting people know she is overweight without making it sound really bad.  So, why don't you go on a date with her?  Then you would know.  A date is not a commitment so if you don't like her you can just say you don't see the relationship going any further.  

  4. If she's being honest I would think a few xtra lbs. would mean anywhere from 10-30..but you never know.

    I think instead of worrying about it you need to just come out and ask her for a full body shot..give her one in return. If you're going to date someone you have to be attracted and if she can't understand that then she's probably not the girl for you.

    It's the net..people tend to deceive others..sometimes for kicks, other times they're just afraid they won't be accepted and they're feeling insecure. I don't see a good way around this though..I think asking her flat out would be fine, you have every right to see what you're getting before you get it. Just do it delicately..don't be rude.  

  5. lol, well you will find on those dating sites.. A few extra pounds usually means she is like 250 lbs.

  6. i had the same thing in my profile when i had a profile on a dating site, and that meant "a few" - not 100 over weight, more like, i could use to lose about 15 lbs. I also had pictures of myself so anybody could see how i look.  

  7. As humans we want to be with someone that we find physically attractive, there is nothing wrong with wanting that and its definitely not shallow.  Anyone who tells you it is, is a liar.  how can you find out what someones personality is like unless you talk to them? and why would you talk to them? because you found them physically attractive.  Us women are all concerned with our weight and some of us are more self conscious than others.  Because she didn't put any pictures up showing anything but her face and also went out of her way to say that she has a "few extra pounds" it probably means one of two things.  1) she is probably considerably overweight or 2) she is very self conscious about her weight. or a combination of both.  I would try to find out what kind of lifestyle she leads to see how active she is and make sure you two like doing all the same stuff.  good luck!

  8. that is usually a nice way of saying Im overweight, dont ask...

    but if you like her truthfully, a few pounds wont matter.

  9. ask her to lose weight while it is still early in your relationship. But, be very careful on your approach or you may end up with egg on your face.

  10. extra pounds could mean many different things everybodys different on how they perceive extra pounds. It could mean shes chunky,curvy,and a little overweight my ideal of extra pounds is chunky/thick your just gonna have to get the answer out of her in a creative way so she doesn't get offended

  11. Was it one of those category choices?  Like she could pick from slim, athletic, average or a few extra pounds?  We who are actually in the "few extra pounds" range tend to check "average", if that's a clue!  If there's only one photo it's iffy, but more than one photo and only head shots is another clue.

    No, you can't ask her how much she weighs.  But during these three weeks  I'm going to guess you two have covered what's important to you in a mate and honesty was somewhere on the list.  Yes? So you say, "You know I really like you , you...[insert compliment or two here]. But I have to admit I'm a little  nervous.  Sometimes, I've been told, when women check the "few extra pounds" box and  only use photos of their face  they often turn out to be a lot bigger than anyone I've ever been attracted to before.  Have you worried that's going to be an issue?    That puts it on her to be honest right back.

    If she's fat she knows it, and what she likely wants is the opportunity for you to get to know her and like her before you meet.  And why not?  Meet her, enjoy her company even if she doesn't turn you on.  Maybe you'll each gain a friend. Maybe you'll find out a lot of  fat girls are  the horniest do-anything chicks on the planet (true, btw) and her attitude is s**y enough to overcome the few extra pounds and their few extra buddies.

    Maybe it really is just a few extra pounds but she's obsessed and neurotic about her weight and you marry her and she drives you crazy constantly asking "Do I look fat in this?" and changing clothes six times before you can leave the house and goes to the gym for hours every day until she runs off with a trainer 10 years younger than you...  In other words, there's not much point to to worrying  in advance.

    Good luck!

  12. It could mean anything really. The only way to find out for sure is to meet her in person, or ask for a full body picture.

  13. I met my husband on a popular dating site.  

    To me, she is saying maybe 10-20lbs.  Why don't you send her a pic of your entire self and see if she reciprocates.  Good luck to you.

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