
Met all social security disability giude lines in list of impairments...and deinied on all steps ?

by  |  earlier

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My att. approved it to judge......due to the heath records and drs. reports and proff of diagnosis

I have.....diabetic-colitis-unactive thyriod-degernerative disc -copd with broncitis-ulnar nerve damage-carpel tunnel-depression-anxiety-and fybromyelgia.......all dianosed and documented........many test....many medications..........and more................

If one meets the ssdi guide could one still be denied......many are long term.......many will result in death.......

I do not uder stand..

Now last step.......waiting a trail date with adm law judge......2 more years......on waiting list..why




  1. Although I am sorry for your problems, I am very happy to hear of the rigorous investigation SSI is doing.  Remember: if they approved everyone who applied or wanted to get it,  Social Security would be nonexistent within months, not years.

    If you are truly unable to work, I hope you get SSI.  But if you are able to get out of bed, move around, and form coherent thoughts, please at least TRY to work.

  2. I was denied the first time and then had to appear before the judge along with my lawyer and was then approved. The process took about two years. Then there are people out there who have no business being on disability who get it on their first try. Try to hang in there.

  3. hi chas, I have crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis.  When I applied for social security disability after I had my stroke 3 yrs. ago, I was denied so I obtained an attorney well versed in disability cases.

    It took me 2 yrs. before going before a law judge. Then when I went before him, instead of taking up to 12 weeks to decide based upon my HUGE medical files, doctors files, the paper work SS made me fill out,e etc. he ruled on the spot in my favor based upon all of the evidence.

    Some states, NY state is the worst, are backlogged in disability case hearings for 2 yrs. or more. There are not enough judges to hear the cases so some courts are flying them in from either other states or other countries. My lawyer told me it's best to get a judge who is local and familiar with how things are run in the jurisdiction. I was lucky that I had one who wasn't prejudice against petitioners (some are), was a local personnel, & was fair.

    I know it's not fair for those who truly need help after working many yrs. and paying into the system. I have seen healthy  people get it for whatever reason on the 1st attempt while folks like us have to fight and get an attorney to assist us.  

    When election time comes, vote for those politicians who will revamp welfare and help those who want to work but can't instead of healthy high school drop outs, lazy folks, etc. who think that having many kids is reason enough to mooch off the system.

    If you go to the crohn's and colitis foundation's site, they have info on how to deal with obtaining disability as well as a book published by an attorney who has Crohn's and offers help in winning your case.  (go to the ccfa bookstore for it)  They have a live chat, a hotline, and an open forum where you can post questions to folks like yourself.

    good luck to you.



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