
Met with my ex after 6 month breakup. Admitted that she has psych issues now what ?

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My ex of 6 months sent me a message on facebook wanting to meet for dinner last weekend. So I did, and the dinner was very nice. She shared a lot of things with me and pretty much told me that she has been going through a lot the past 6 months. Surprisingly, the amount of pain that I had from the breakup didn't affect me and it went smooth. She gave me the days that she is off from work and even was open to checking out my new place for a movie night. She even brought a camera to take pictures, which I don't understand why at the dinner service. She began playing footsies under the table with me like old times, and even grabbing my butt on the way out of the restaurant which she knows I don't like. I walked her to her car and she asks me what I had planned Sunday. We were supposed to wash cars Sunday and do whatever after that but it rained and I called and canceled with her. So it's been 2 days since I spoke with her and I had planned to call her today to invite her to either karaoke on Friday, or a birthday party on Saturday? What should I do? I sent this woman 20 long emails when we broke claiming my love to her and she threaten me with a restraining order over an email. Regardless, I should of gave her space but I wan't physically stalking her and flat out begged her to talk with me. Now she shows up like everything is fine and dandy and I am at a lost for words.




  1. regroup..breaking off of any relationship has high emotions and stress related to cautious..she sounds like she has issues to overcome and if she is unstable..then you should rethink this relationship

  2. I think you should see your ex more often, and see if she really wainss to come back, if so and if you still in love with her, why not go back to her, I am sure she regrets what she did. good luck.  

  3. Wait- I thought you wanted to talk to her.  Now you got her and don't know what to say?  Just like a man.

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