
Metabolism problem please help?

by Guest34225  |  earlier

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So i used to be slightly annorexic because i would eat foods such as an egg for breakfast, three apples, and salad and corn and my metabolism slowed way and i would work out for a few hours every day until i was the weight i wanted to be of about 30 pounds lighter and then i couldnt handle eating so little anymore and i started binging and i extremely quickly gained all my weight now i would like to loose weight again only this time i want to eat healthy and excersise healthy..but will i have problems doing so because of my past? i dont want to give it my all and have it be for nothing




  1. All I can say is check with your doctor and make sure the anorexia did not damage bones or organs and then begin a fitness/nutrition program.  Nutrition does not include mcdonald's or any other fast food, bags of chips or processed food.  Fresh is better, no white flour products and visit for assistance and excellent information.  Good Luck!

  2. You shouldn't have problems because of your past.  The key is to eat until you are satisfied and not stuffed full.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal.  They are low in calories so you can eat until you are satisfied and still burn fat.  

    Your body needs balance so eat some lean protein and complex carbohydrates everyday.  Watch your saturated fat and trans fat intake, those are the bad fats.

    You should eat a hearty breakfast and include some fruit.  It will help you eat less throughout the day and give you longer to burn off those calories throughout the day as well.

    Eat at least 3 meals and if your hungry in between two snacks, healthy snacks like carrot sticks, celery, an apple.  Nuts are a very good snack as well and are heart healthy.

    The goal is to fuel your body so it burns off stored fat.  When you fast your body thinks you are killing it and stores anything you eat as fat for later.  

    Exercise is important as well.  Strength training is the best, but be sure to at least do some healthy exercise like running, walking, biking, or swimming.  Body weight exercises work great too like push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, and lunges to name a few.

    For some decent tips check out and for a great program

    I hope this helps.

  3. go to the doctor

  4. You probably will have issues with your metabolism.  

    The best thing you could do is meet with a nutritionist.  They will likely put you on a high protein/low fat diet...and suggest you do considerable weight training.  Extra muscle will increase your metabolism, and protein helps build muscle.

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