
Metabolism question?????

by  |  earlier

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can your metabolism start working like crazy out of no where?

because for the past few days iv been eating regular sized meals and i get hungary not long after.

I'm 14 but i think I'm done growing tho, but i could be wrong.




  1. It could, it all depends. It's usually best to eat small portions, than fill yourself up a "regular" size meal, then eat 2-3 hours after that.  That should boost your metabolism.  Maybe your more active now? That could be a factor to your hunger.

  2. You're far from done growing at 14- heck, my brother was barely 5 feet tall when he was 14 and he's almost 6 feet tall now. Don't think I've ever seen someone be done growing at 14.

    Appetite doesn't necessarily mean your metabolism is speeding up, so be careful to eat healthily and not get into the habit of eating past when you're sated. However, part of puberty is your body seeking the nutrients it needs to grow and develop, so it's not uncommon at all to start getting a bigger appetite or experience changing metabolism. You'll go through periods of having a big appetite, and you may go through periods of having a very small appetite (That's how it went for me- I went from struggling not to eat too much to struggling to eat enough.) And if you have grown recently, since you think you're done growing, that has to do with it too- you are certainly going to get a bigger appetite as you grow. Bigger person, bigger appetite.

  3. No, but speed is a nice alternative.  Otherwise self induced vomiting is a viable option.

    By the way your metabolism will slow down when you get married.

  4. boob are huge

  5. whether your metabolism is worker harder or not, your body isn't going to lie to you. if you're hungry you're hungry. Just try to eat healthily so that you don't get too fat or anything like that

  6. maybe your b***s are getting bigger. drink more milkshakes from jack in the box.

  7. your body doesnt stop growing untill your about 20. You've probably gotten the bodies recommended amount of vitemins and minerals, so it kick started your metabolism

  8. um its cause ur 14. just cause ur done growing physically doesnt mean ur done with that whole puberty stage. your metabolism acts like that for a reason and its cause ur 14, nothing weird

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