My brother used to be a hippie in high school, but he has pulled a complete 180 since college and is now in law school. He asked me for help for part of his research paper since I am a self proclaimed health nut, but I'm not actually sure how to answer his question. He is writing about drug courts and the testing for marijuana in urinalysis. He has gone through many of the options available that people have used to hide, mask or eliminate the metabolites in the urine, but he posed to me a tricky question. Since THC is stored in fat cells, would it be possible to provide a false negative on a test by either... eating a high fat diet before the test, or by starving oneself? It puzzled me because either seems plausible, by either providing the body with quick fat to metabolize thereby maintaining body fat stores, or by keeping the metabolism slowed. Would body fat excrete the metabolites if the body had an overload of fat to digest? Any articles or journal links appreciated!