
Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance, Warhawk, or Battlefield: Bad Company?

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This is my last question for a long time. Im sorry I keep asking.

WHich one of these should I get.

Key facts:

I never played an MGS game

Im getting Resistance 2

I loved the Battlefield demo

I like a lot of good multiplayer

I like games with vehicles if it has but nontheless

I dont know if I have $60 but still which one of these should I get?

Also can you like rate them in order from most fun single player and most fun multiplayer.


Single Player:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV

2. Ratchet and Clank TOD

3. RSV 2

4. Call of Duty 4


1. Call of Duty 4

2. Grand Theft Auto IV

3.RSV 2

4. Ratchet and Clank TOD




  1. Single player

    Resistance fall of man it has a great campaign and it also has the option of playing co-op campaign mode which allow you to play with a friend and do the same thing as single it awesome! The game is great and it does a lot to offer.


    Resistance fall of man is an awesome online game the only thing is that I play unranked because I don't like playing as the alien. On ranked game you play one round as a troop and then the next round as an alien (their gun sucks).

    Warhawk is an awesome game online (online only game) it has cars, tanks, planes, and much more. The game offer a bunch as much as team deathmatch, capture the flag, and zone which you and your team fight for different territory.

    I played the battlefield company demo and it was alright didn't feel for it to much but I did rent it was great didn't do much of the campaign mode but I thought the online was good.

    Never played metal gear until this last one and it was a great game campaign but didn't get around to try out the online game I rented it because of all the hype it was an alright overall game I think the one who love this game is the one who been a MGS4 fan since the get go!!

  2. mgs4 now!

  3. My brother here is how I would rate the single player..

    1. Call of duty 4

    2. Grand theft auto 4

    3. Ratchet and clank

    4. Metal gear solid 4

    5. Resistance


    1. Call of Duty 4

    2. Battlefield bad company

    3. resistance

    To be honest resistance is the best story mode game I have played in a long time.. well since final fantasy 7. But it is a great story. Call of duty 4 online is absolutly brilliant!! But if you just want a great stor mode take up resistance.

    GTA4 gets boring to me sorry. But it does. I get tired of doing the same c**p!

    Ratchet and clank is pretty cool game to me!

    But I would say resistance call of duty4 then battlefield. In that order.. that is my opinion.

  4. buy resistance fall of man it's the best game you don't get bored and the story is great

  5. Get Resistance Fall of Man it is the best for you MGS4 is great but if you haven't played the others I suggest you get MGS essential collection before buying so Resistance seems to be best fit for you so get the one right for you

    Single Player

    MGS4- it is the longest but if you don't like a long cutscenes don't get it but is the best out of these

    Resistance Fall of Man- second longest game not as long of game as MGS4

    Battlefield- shortest campaign but is fun

    Warhawk -it has none






  6. you should get metal gear solid 4 because its the standard game for all PS3 owners and get resistance greatest hits for $30 to get ready for resistance 2. i rented battlefield and i thought it was c**p

    Single Player:

    1. GTA4

    2. Ratchet and Clank

    4. COD4

    5. RSV2


    1. COD4

    2. RSV2

    3. GTA4

    ratchet and clank does not have multiplayer at all

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