
Metal gear solid 2, what does it meant by taking a shot of metal gear from front-left and front-right?

by Guest61191  |  earlier

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I'm playing the MGS2 and i need help, when the person tells snake to take the picture of metal gear solid, from front-right and front-left. And i'm not sure which position is it from?




  1. Front-right and front-left is exactly how it stands. If I recall correctly (it's been a few years), there are a bunch of soldiers standing in front of the Metal Gear. You'll want to take pictures of its front right side and its front left side, which means to the left of the soldiers, and to the right of the soldiers. Otacon doesn't want pictures from behind or anything. Just from the front.

  2.                                 :          :

                 metal gear>  :    O    :

                pic position> :   /  |  \  :


    be careful while soldiers behind the soliders and you want to take two pics from oppisite sides of the room looking diagonally at metal gear.        

    I might be a little confusing but it's the only way i can think to tell you. the graph shows you where to stand and how two of the pics should be at an angle so i hope i helped.

  3. Yeah, take one in the southeast corner of the room, and one from the southwest corner...

    you got the picture right if snake says something after taking the pic

  4. i had the same trouble until i realised the best way.. stand at either door..right or left and  look straight at metal gear and take the picture.

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