
Metal singer needs help?

by  |  earlier

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ok my friend wants me to join his band i sing well but they like to play screamo i love it but i cant do it. i want to learn can anybody give me advice in how or reccomend something for me. p.s i tried screaming and it sounded g*y i have a really deep voice.




  1. Get a singing teacher... make sure

    he/she can teach you metal.. because

    many prefer teaching classic music...

    screamo is REALLY difficult... I know what you mean

    if that teacher is not a great option...

    try to explain your friend that you just can't sing screamo...

    even though you want (if you practice... it'll get

    incredibly easy.. but it takes a lot of year to make it perfectly)

  2. that type of singing involves singing through the false folds of your vocals cords which is really bad for them, i would join a different band!

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