
Metaphor Schmetaphor. Why can't I just tell the story?

by  |  earlier

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I waited for my character’s to grow limbs.

I was a wiz at facial expressions, I just couldn’t

connect the hands and feet; a common problem.

I once painted a masterpiece, on a three-inch square,

with a black Sharpie…in miniature, it was trivial.

When I blew it up to wall size, it unveiled

technique, temperament, texture…

I was so proud.






  2. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, I have no great works of art to lose...maybe my ton of notebooks up in the attic will suffice, or the random scribblings I find in the dust bunny colony underneath my bed. I wish you well, and may you be able to replace your Navy service records. :)

  3. You can. You did.

    I lost many precious photos, and yes, some scribblings of poetry in the great water bed flood of '99.

    The good news? My back aches are now due to work, not sleeping on a water bed.

  4. I am sorry you lost your irreplaceables.  

  5. I totally understand.  I once did a charcoal of Stevie Wonder, and I still beg for it back.

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