
Metformin? Does it really work?

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Has anyone taken Metformin with having pcos and how does it work? Does it have to be in you system for a while before trying to conceive? Any success stories are welcome, but I would like to hear the negs also! Will it help me lose weight quickly? I am insulin resistant. what are the chances of multiple births with this med?




  1. I have been on Metformin for almost a year now. In the beginning, alot of nausea, vomitting, and loss of appetite happened. Thus, the loss of weight happened. Ever since taking it, my appetite has been almost not there. It made me loose about 15lbs, which is good, because loosing a little weight is good for your fertility. Sorry, no success story yet, but I'am combining the Metformin w/ Clomid, and hope to have some good luck for once! I wish you the best!  

  2. It doesn't have anything to do with ovulation, it simply helps control blood sugar levels and MAY increase the body's response to insulin. It will not increase the chance of multiple birth on it's own, however metformin is frequently used in conjunction with clomid, which may cause more eggs to be released. It can, however, help you conceive if your diabetes is a hindrance. A lot of times, a diabetic woman will not ovulate, and met can help you O.

    a couple sites to look at.

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