
Methadone (MMT) Treatment

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Wed I start MMT, I talked to the clinic 9 days ago, and since have not used oxycontin... but have been suffering cravings and all that "great" stuff...if I don't test dirty, will I not be allowed to start methadone treatment?




  1. You have done 9 days cold, you are 1/2 way there to use nothing. You have passed the worst part.

    But to answer your ? clean will probably keep you out especially with 9 days dry.

  2. hopefully man

  3. Correct. The reason for this is because Methadone is safe only for someone with tolerance to opiates. If someone decided they wanted to try Methadone and made up the right story they could be treated and die. So, one way to tell that someone is addicted and tolerant is that opiates must be in their system. Also, the theory is that if you are truly addicted you must have opiates every day to survive. Also, the risk for opiate addicted mothers is that if they stop taking opiates the withdrawal places the fetus at risk to miscarry due to the side effects and stress on the mother. Honestly, if you have went 9 days with no opiates you are probably out of the danger zone and would do well to consider another form of treatment. I also question any clinic that makes a pregnant client wait 9 days before seeing them. The federal regs require pregnant clients be given priority. If there is no more to this story and you are bound and determined to have Methadone or opiates during your pregnancy then you could take a low dose oxycontin the night beofre you go to the clinic. This will give you a positive result but pose less risk to the baby.  

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