
Methed out daughterinlaw has temp custody of 16 month grandbaby need good lawyer in modesto ca ?

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Methed out daughterinlaw has temp custody of 16 month grandbaby need good lawyer in modesto ca ?




  1. The web site below is an excellent source to find a good lawyer.  It's easy to use and contains lawyer ratings.

  2. Get the lawyer ready, but why not use a resource with teeth now. If you know she's using, call her in to child protective services. If they're like most states, they'll test her. It's usually an oral swab, and it will hit for about three days after using. In most states, a positive meth test will cause them to place the child out, maybe with you, if you can clear the history check. They won't immediately just go to remove the child permanently. They're bound to try to rehab her and get her child back in the home. But their reports will be something your lawyer can subpoena.  

  3. When you want to prove a case such as this one, you do not want a kind attorney.

    You need to contact your local county and tell them what is transpiring and go from there.

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