
Methods for sleeping?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I'm 14. I CANNOT fall asleep. For the past week, I've only gotten about 3 hours of half sleep total. I can't fall asleep. Everytime I try to go to sleep, I get really...energetic. Even if I was about to conk out before I got in bed. Help?




  1. There's too much on your mind .. relax and your body will fall asleep

  2. okay, at night when i'm on tour all i can feel is the rocky bumps of the bus! lol. So i hug my teddy and think of my pappy and a perfect day with him: ) just think of a loved one, and think of a like, just totally perfect day! I miss my pappy: )

  3. make sure your not drinking any caffiene, just try drinking water for a long time and if that doesn't work you can try using sleeping pills

  4. Drink warm milk, or your body should just get use to the lack of sleep and you should fall asleep, if not then your gonna die soon

  5. Try some melatonin before bedtime.  Natural supplement and sleep aid.

    Avoid caffeine products at least two hours prior to bedtime.

    Avoid stress, an over active, or "cluttered" mind.  Just starting school can be a real stretch until you get control of the situation.  Use a notebook to make notes of everything you need to do and when they are required to be done.

    Dark, quiet room.  No music.  Blank mind.  Put off problems until tomorrow.  Don't think about anything!!!  Close your eyes and force your mind to go blank.

  6. try listening to music that you don't necessarily know the words to. It'll clear your mind and relax you. Also, make sure you are not drinking caffeine before bed either. Worse comes worse, if the music doesn't help take some drowsy medicine before bed.  

  7. try drinking some warm milk before you go to sleep or hot chocolate. that will make you sleepy. and once your in bed and cant fall asleep, get up and do something, dont lay in bed, it will only make you stay up longer and think about things. try getting on the computer or doing a crossword. then once you feel tired enough, go back to bed. empty your mind dont think too much.

  8. try listening to calming music, that always helps me fall asleep, or you can think of a certain category, say, food, then come up with one item of food for each letter of the alphabet.

  9. Put on some soft music. It works for me all the time.

  10. I definatly know how you feel drink hot tea and wear your coziest pajamas. Buy an eyemask and ear plugs and if its really bad drink a spoonfull of nyquill.



  11. I have the same problem, try picking up some melatonin. It helps your body prepare for sleep and is natural. It has since helped me a little with sleeping. It also helps with fixing your sleep cycle.
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