
Metlife insurance allowing piercings?

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I doubt anyone on here would know... but I'm starting a new job in a week. Metlife insurance. I'm working in the claims department just taking phone calls. I wanted to know if they have a policy on piercings?!




  1. Most businesses have a dress code. Usually the only thing allowed to be pierced are your ears.   This includes all personnel working in the claims department.

    If you are wanting to get something pierced,  I suggest you wait until after you start your job and have a chance to review th company dress code and  speak w/ your supervisor.

    If you already have something pierced, most likely you had to take the jewelry out to interview. In that case, take the jewelry out when you go to work.  

  2. You will be given an employee handbook which will have the dress code explained. Just because you are just taking phone calls does not mean that you can be unprofessional.  Can't you remove the piercings during working hours?

    I worked in insurance for 27 years.  At the beginning we were required to wear suits, hose, closed toe shoes, light makeup, wedding rings and earrings we allowed.  Very very professional look.  At the end just before I retired the dress code was much more relaxed but still nothing that might be considered offensive to someone else. It specifically said no facial piercings or tatoos that could be seen.  

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