
Metro pcs users only.....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i have a metro pcs phone. I want a ring-tone, but they don't have any up to date songs. The songs they have are so old. But my question is, does anyone know any good websites with ring-tones, that are compatible with the metro pcs phone, remeber the website must be compatible with the metro pcs phone, thats the only way ill be abled to get the ringtone.Thx i appreciate all the help.




  1. yes if u have internet on ur fone go to

  2. most of the rington webs i tried were rip offs.

    try metro's web (im not sur if the songs r old):

    verizon has good songs, but it might not work w/ur metro phone:

    u could try at&t's web; or sprint's & tmobile's.

    the actual company stores aren't scams.

    i knew this one lady who used walmart, but im not sur how.

    if u don't mind taking risks, then type in 'ringtones' or somthin into a search engine. tht should work.

    & if u cant find any, just record the song u want w/ur phone & use it!

    good luck =)

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