
Metronidazole help!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm taking metronidazole twice a day for a week & my course ends on the 3rd of september! but i'm going to a party on the 5th & i was wondering if it would be okay to drink alcohol?

my doctor warned me that drinking whilst on the medication could make me violently sick, so i tried to look online to how long i should wait before it's safe to drink - some said one day, another said two, days & the last said three days :/

would two days be safe?

(i take my pills after breakfast & lunch)

thanks for this! x




  1. ive just googled the drug you where prescribed and it said only consume alcohol 48 hours after course has finished ,,, so thats 2 days ,, hope this helps and enjoy your party .

  2. Whatever you do, dont drink at all whilst taking them! They really will make you vomit spectaularly.

    Two days after your course has finished should be fine.

  3. From past experience (I have taken it twice over 3 years) you need to wait at least 5 to 7 days. I drank a beer 4 days after taking my last dose and got very, very sick. I told my doctor after it happened and he said the 5 to 7 days, but highly recommended the 7 days. REALLY....

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