
Mets definitely best Team in NL, who agrees?

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I'd really have to say that the Mets are the best team in the NL. I think the Cubs don't even have as good of a lineup.








and Santana on the mound

Mets are truly the team to beat, who agrees?




  1. Lineups aren't everything.

    Ever hear of the 2008 Texas Rangers?

  2. if the cubs lineup sucks, than how are they 85-53 while the Mets are only 77-61?

  3. i agree that they r the team to beat btu they really need to keep figueroa on the relief n niese starting get rid of heilman n bring up a starting putcher from eithor aa or aaa n put him in the bullpen n they r unstoppable  

  4. If they had the best team in the NL...maybe they could show it by having the best record in the NL.

  5. phillies r going to win it all go phils

  6. It doesn't matter who is the best team right now, as long as you make the playoffs.  Then the question is, who is the best team in October?

  7. You're an idiot according to the stats cubs have best offense in the MLB. They're hitting like 15 points higher than the mets about 70 more runs.  Cubs pitching is far superior as well Dempster Zambrano and Lilly all have as many if not more wins than santana and Harden would have more wins too if he didn't get injured in the first half.  Cubs pen is way better too with Samardzija marmol and wood as a 1 2 3 punch

    go to

  8. uummm, no, disagree.  And it seems the other Mets' fans who answered disagree, too



  10. Ever heard of the Cubs, Brewers, and Cards who are all ahead of your Mets. Dude I barely even heard about those players and unless its a Cardinal I only know very good players around the MLB and yeah have no clue who those people are sorry but get over it.  

  11. You, my friend, are an idiot if you think that.

  12. As a Met fan I think you are crazy. The Mets are a good team, but the Brewers and Cubs are better than the Mets.  Don't jinx our team and just let the season play out.

    ........Man I HATE Met fans like you, you make us real Met fans look bad.

  13. NOT! Cubs are better and the record proves it. The Tampa Bay Rays (American league) are better than either of them. The Rays have the best winning percentage in the major leagues at .622 (and climbing with each win). The Mets have a winning percentage of just .558 and the Cubs .616. There are 5 teams with a better win/loss record than the the American league. I hate all New York teams, they all suck!

  14. Yankees fan here, but I don't hate the Mets.

    And I'll tell you honestly and objectively that the answer is no. The Cubs are more talented and have the record to prove it.

    That said, I wouldn't say the Cubs are odds-on favorites to beat the Mets in a 7-game series. It really could go either way.

    I'll still give the Cubs the edge, though.  

  15. sorry but:










    and Harden on the mound

    is Mets. You're right. Mets win, BUT:

    Johan Santana

    Oliver Perez

    Pedro Martinez

    Mike Pelfrey

    Jon Niese/Claudio Vargas/Nelson Figueroa


    Carlos Zambrano

    Rich Harden

    Ryan Dempster

    Ted Lilly

    Jason Marquis

    That goes to the Cubs. Far.

    But the Clincher: The Clincher:

    Aaron Heilman

    Brian Stokes

    Luis Ayala

    Scott Schoenweis

    Joe Smith

    Pedro Feliciano


    Kerry Wood

    Carlos Marmol

    Jeff Samardzija

    Bob Howry

    Chad Gaudin

    Neil Cotts


  16. Mets will choke again.  They have no pitching.  Santana is still awesome, but he's not enough to carry them.

    The Cubs are Brewers and D-Backs are all better because of pitching.

  17. "Reyes







    and Santana on the mound"

    You forgot to mention bullpen. That is why they are not the best team. Even if they had a solid bullpen I think the Cubs have a more solid team overall, and I'm a Brewer fan! :-O

  18. The Mets are individuals.  The Cubs are a TEAM.

  19. Cubs and Brewers are the best in the NL.

  20. Didn't the lowly Astros just pound them -like last week-

  21. the cubs, brewers, and the cardinals are better. move on.

  22. Well baseball is a two sided sport.  You simply listed batting order and 1 pitcher.

    I personally am an Oakland A's fan so i show no bias towards either side, but my pick has to be the Cubs.

    Their bullpen is better, this starting pitching in my opinion is better.

    And lineup wise, I think teh Mets have a better lineup.  Cubs have great offense themselves, but the Mets are better in that department, but not by a whole lot.

    Overall, I have to side with the Cubs as the team to best this season.

  23. Don't let being a Met fan cloud your mind. There is no way the Mets are the best team in the NL. Cubs and Brewers are both better than them. And even though the records don't show it, I'd say the Phillies and DBacks are also better. First of all, just because a line-up doesn't have all the high end names doesn't man it's not good. Just look at the numbers and you'll see that the Cubs have had one of the best if not the best offense in the MLB. Second, the Mets bullpen is pathetic. I wouldn't feel comfortable unless my team had at least a 6 run lead with that bullpen. And finally, the Cubs rotation is better. One pitcher doesn't make a rotation. What happens when Santana isn't on the mound? Every day the Cubs throw out a pitcher with the potential to win at least 15 games. And 3 of our pitchers will do that easily.

  24. All I know is that the Mets always seem to choke when the pressure is on the line. Their bullpen are worst than ever and, despite having Santana, their team ERA are just as bad. Let's face it, if they couldn't win against the Cardinals in the playoffs a couple years ago or hold a ten games lead in the division last year, I don't even think they can compete against the Phillies' bullpen or lineup. And you say the Cubs' lineup doesn't even "compare" to the Mets' lineup, yet which team have the better winning record? Just enjoy the division lead while it last...

  25. I am a Mets fan so I want to find every possible way to agree with you.  One thing is that you can put A. Reyes or Damion at second base because they have had most of the time there.

    For the pitchers, Mike Pelfrey and Ollie Perez have been very strong (at least in the second half) and Pedro has kept the Mets in the game for the most part.

    You can't replace what the young players have done for the Mets this year.  I hadn't even heard of Daniel Murphy before he was called up and Evans has been around when the Mets need him.  

    I really hope the Mets can hold on this year and I think the Mets' strengths can somewhat save what the bullpen is messing up.

    Let's Go Mets!

  26. As a Mets fan I hate to disagree with you, but I can't agree with this statement.

    The Cubs may not have as prolific as a lineup (it can be argued that they do have a better lineup), but they make up for it in pitching.  Santana is one great starter, sure, but he doesnt pitch 9 innings every game.  The Cubs have Zambrano as their ace, and their real advantage is their bullpen, with Samardzija, Wood, and Marmol.  I hate to say it, but the Cubs are the best team in the NL (for now, of course, until the Mets beat them in the NLCS!)

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