
Mew, Celebi, Jirachi?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, i was just wondering if any1 can give me any of these three pokemon im trying to colect all the legendaries and i dont care if you get it from action replay or u duplicate it i just want them :P

I can trade a raikou but thats the only "rare" pokemon i really have well and Mewtwo but hes not that hard to get.




  1. Since you've already been offered a Mew, I can give you a Jirachi. Basically you just give me anything, I already have to many Jirachi as it is. Also, if you need a Manaphy I have 12 of them... So I can simply give you one too for no cost.

  2. i have two mews email me ur email and we can get a time to trade

  3. I have a Celebi for trade. It's from the 10th Aniversary EVENT, so it's a collectable, and one of the only LEGITIMATE Celebis.

    However, I want a Jolly Nature Toxicroak with Dry Skin ability and good IV. Email me at if you got one, or feel like to talk. If you got AIM, tell me your AIM Screen name. I'll add you and talk there.

    There are also a few other things that I'm trading away, such as Phione, Spiritomb, Rotom, Feebas, and Manaphy if you're interested. Manaphy will cost you more than the others though if you want it.
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