
Mexican Citizenship?

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I'm looking to apply for Mexican Citizenship, so I can purchase property in Mexico. Is there a way to expedite this process? My son's grandpa is a Mexican Citizen. I was told that this would definitely expedite the process. I need to know what it will cost and how long it will take.




  1. I don't know why you did not post this on the mexico yahoo answerer page.

    as to your question I really don't know

  2. would your son's grandpa be your dad?

    if are in luck!

    you already are Mexican. all you need is your dads birth certificate and the address of a friend in mexico.

    do not hire a lawyer! you can do it all yourself, unless you are not good at this type of thing.

    go to your nearest mexican consulado and they will tell you what you need.

    it is not hard.

    and as far as buying land in mexico, you no longer need to be a citizen...but do it legally through a bank.

    if you want ocean veiw land in rosarito...i have some.

  3. Here is the oficial site of the Mexican goverment:

  4. You do NOT need to be a Mexican citizen to purchase property in Mexico.  I am an American living in Mexico and know plenty of people who are not citizens who own property here...some live here, some do not.  All you need is a real estate agent property lawyer, and bank.  Since YOU are not the child or spouse of a Mexican citizen, I do not believe you would get an expedited process.  Anyway, part of the path to citizenship is LIVING in Mexico for at least 5 consecutive years.   It generally takes  7 years, you need to be functional in Spanish, take a test, submit application.  You never know how long it will take to get an answer to your application.  Sometimes a couple of years.  The article below verifies what I know from experiences of friends.  You may contact the nearest Mexican consult if you need more info.
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