
Mexican candy?

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where can you find those lollipops with the chili?





  1. I'm in the El Paso Tx. area. I buy them at any grocery store or Walmart. Some times I go across the boarder to Mexico and buy a lot there.

  2. Oh wow I love those things too!!! The best place to try is any small mexican store should have them, try El Chico's or Sra's Mediterranean Foods which is not too far from Frisco.

  3. i've seen lots of mexican candies in my local wally-world - maybe check yours too

  4. any mexican liquor store carry's them

  5. Mexican neighborhood grocery stores are incredible--they have everything!

  6. At any mexican store, and your local grocer probbly carries them as well, you could always check Ebay, that place has everything!!

  7. $ store

  8. Any mexican bordega has them.
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