
Mexican money value?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to mexico in 3 days . I know that 1 dollar= 10 pesos but i was wondering, if anyone knows , how much 100 pesos will buy me . I mean what the value of the peso is . can i but alot with 100 pesos or can i just buy a loaf of bread and a soda.

and does anyone know how much lets say, a shirt would cost




  1. Good intelligent question.

    Cigarette's - 25 pesos

    Good average meal - 25 pesos

    hour of internet - 10 pesos

    1 beer - 10 pesos

    16oz. Coke - 7 pesos

    whole chicken - 50 pesos

    bus fare - 5 pesos

    pair of jeans - 90 - 100 pesos

    shirt - 50 pesos

    sunglasses - 80 pesos

    Hope this gives you a glance at Mexico and ts cost of living.

  2. Maria

    You didn't say if you were going to a tourist area or not.

      Generally electronics,  batteries throw away cameras and similar things are much more expensive in Mexico. Clothing is usually not a real bargain. Liquor is about the same (including most of the drinkable brands of Tequila), but beer is very inexpensive. Always ask about a bottle of wine. Mexican's don't drink much wine, so it can be ultra expensive.

      Hotel rooms and food can vary by huge amounts in price. Cabo San Lucas is much more expensive than Los Angeles.

      Transportation is highly dependent on where you are. In Acapulco you could take a taxi for a reasonable fare as long as you weren't in the zone where the foreign tourists are. Prices could be very high.

      You can get pesos from any ATM, but don't ask for a round number of pesos (don't ask for 3000 pesos. Try 2900 pesos or 2800 pesos or even 2850 pesos in some machines) so that you get some small bills. Large banknotes can be difficult to use in Mexico. In most places they will take American money (not Canadian), but they will try to use the exchange rate to their advantage.

      Always have small bills! It is very important. When you are in a nice location try to exchange your big banknotes. If you show them your wallet, they will always try to get you to pay with small banknotes. Always have a lot of coins since you often need them to use the lavatory. There are very few coins circulating that are the equivalent of a penny, so don't be suprised if you are shortchanged a few cents. Unlike, the USA, they don't see the point in minting tons and tons of pennies that are worth less than dirt.


    Here is what the State Department thinks is reasonable for their employees to spend on official travel. The first rate is for a day in a hotel, and the second value is for food and incidental expenses (not including transportation). The order is from the cheapest city to the most expensive. State Dept. rates assume that you are not drinking heavily, but that you are eating fairly high quality food.


    City-Hotel-Meals- ( June 2008 )




    Ciudad Juarez-$80-$70

    Nuevo Laredo-$82-$78




    Ciudad Victoria-$96-$55

    Ixtapa Zihuatanejo-$99-$88


    Playa del Carmen-$101-$78

    [Other - Default]-$102-$65


    San Carlos-$111-$51




    San Miguel de Allende-$120-$59



    La Paz-$130-$59





    Puerto Penasco-$134-$71








    Puerto Vallarta-$162-$98


    San Jose del Cabo-$170-$75


    Mexico City, D.F.-$205-$95

    Cabo San Lucas-$209-$87


    Comparable rates for Canada are

    Vancouver-$187-$121 (extra $32 in summer)





  3. the price of most items is roughly the same...but also depends where you buy it. for instance, buying a soda and a bag of chips would be roughly be the same at a convenience store here as it would be there...maybe a little cheaper but not much. the same soda and chips would be even cheaper at a grocery store...and even cheaper in mercados (small markets, usually located downtown where locals go). clothing and electronics of good quality are expensive in mexico but you can find good deals in leather, depending where you are and negotiating skills.

    you can eat well in mexico by frequenting locally owned restaurants and staying away from where the tourists go...  i bought 5 mangoes for 50 cents at the mercado in zihuatanejo last month and oysters on the beach for 5 great deals can be found. most services are cheaper as well but tipping takes a bite out of your budget as a lot of employees depend on tips exclusively...including the old people or kids that grocery stores use to bag your groceries and parking lot attendants.

    but 100 pesos is 10 dollars and will def take you further in mexico than it would here.
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