
Mexicans- What is your opinion of American people??

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I am an American born & raised. I see a lot of Americans that are so raist & ignorant against Mexicans, they try to say they just dont like illegals, but in reality most of them are just plain hateful. I never can understand this, I am American & dont feel this way at all. I understand that America is supposed to be a free country & a melting pot for all cultures. Not all Americans are racists, there are plenty who arent. But the ones who are make me sick. After all California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada & more of the US all belonged to Mexico before & the US overtook it & now dont want Mexicans living there. The US took this country from the native Americans but yet they feel that they have the ultimate right to be here when others dont. They also like to vacation in Cancun & enjoy Mexicos beaches & expect people to speak english to them

Mexicanos: please tell me: What is your opinion of Americans??




  1. I'm an american too, born and raised in América, THE CONTINENT.

    I guess you mean "United States people", or as we say it in spanish: "estadounidense". Since the word is to long, we prefer say only "gringo", and it is NOT offensive; but "american" is anyone born in this continent, from Canadá to Argentina.

    I have many friends from US, anglos (not "whites" either, again, we consider ourselves whites). I know there are some ignorants and racists, but I'm sure they are no the most.

  2. The Massacre they pulled at the Alamo is the reason they lost half their country. Revenge is a bish innit?

  3. Okay. For anyone who hasn't read "Talk to the Snail", there is a prologue at the end called "The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name". It is the plain complex thruth of Anglo-Saxon and French relationship. The Mexico 'Gringo' Relationship is everybit as complex. We critizize Americans because of their ignorance and raisism towards us, yet we flock to Northstar Mall and most kids are decked in Fitch. I do know something: the more you get to know mexicans the more americans love them (aka the ones that go to cancun) and we feel an affection and warmth towards our american tourists, and yet the more I got to know Americans on a 2-year-experience the more I quit my critical views. It's all about prejudice.

  4. lazy.......

  5. I think it's great that it was pointed out a number of times here that even the term 'Norte Americanos' includes Canada and Mexico (even though that's not the way it's used in Mexico) and I'm glad to hear that there is a non-predjudicial and more accurate way to refer to people from the US (estadounidense) - although I suspect that most from the US will not take the time to learn it (or even care about it).

    I am a native-born citizen of the US who is dissapointed every day in the way we as a culture treat our friends and neighbors in the US. Yes, Estadounidense are relatively gregarious and giving - particularly compared to Europeans, who are in my opinion are generally ethnocentric to an extreme, but Norte Americanos give only to a point - and that point is no where near what they/we should be.

    All of that being said, the entire southern half of the US is already extremely influenced (dominated in some areas) by Hispanic culture, and personally, I see it as a positive thing. Hispanic people are not h**l-bent on progress at any cost (like my European ancestors), but they are quite capable and in general have very good and honorable values. I suspect that as you follow the progress of events in time you will see the line between the US and Mexico blur more and more, and the cultures will become more alike - hopefully combining the best of both.

  6. i dont have any dislikes on any race in particular, but i dont like racist, ignorant, stupid, or angry people American or not.

    i am mexican, my boyfriend is white.

    no problems here.

  7. Hi there, thanks for the interest. I like americans and american way of living, I like that they act responsibly towards nature and other citizens, that they are openminded, and most of you as in all over the world, are good hearted people.

    There are the racist, yes, there are racist here too even against the same people. The truth is that a lot of illegal immigrants aren't the most educated, nice looking people, whether we accept that or not is different, but we would discriminate against them too if they were outside our doors. I've been at mexican neighborhoods in Texas, Georgia, Florida, etc and some look scary! really, don't want to be rude, I'm just accepting that some do.  

    Then you have economic issues such as if they don't pay taxes but use public services, some others are paying for what they get for free (education, health services, etc) That's why I think that some kind of legal document should be given to them so that they can start paying, and that would solve part of the problem.

    If we were to take the position of "hate Americans" we would be doing exactly the same thing you are complaining about. I've been discriminated against, I lived for a year at a univeristy's dorm and my roomate never talked to me except for hi and bye, so what? her loss of free vacations for life. And the ones that come for spring break for example are not the most respectful, decent people either... so I think that you and I are correct in liking each other, that contributes to mutual understanding.

  8. First of all, If you ask me what do I think about "Americans" the first thing that comes in to my mind is that I can't have a general opinion of millions and millions of people from more that 30 countries, I'm American too, I am Mexican, Mexico is ALSO in America (shocking, huh?); Fortunately, I know what you meant. I've met a lot of people from the USA and well, from the nice ones, I have a good opinion, from the not-so-nice ones, I have the worst opinion, anyway we are all people, racism is something I don't tolerate so I simply avoid even reading about it. I'm glad that there are people like you with an open mind and out-of-the-box thinking, but we all still have a looong way to go...

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