
Mexico City Travel Tips?

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I will be staying in Mexico City with my sister the last week of December (Including New Year's Day). Can anyone offer tips/recommendations on: sightseeing/must see spots, good restaurants, places to shop for souvenirs, places to avoid, how to stay safe, how much money to bring, transportation, major New Year's Eve attraction in Mexico City, Where we could learn/see a traditional dance for a day etc.Oh and pretty random but also if anyone happens to know a Martial Arts Gym .. (preferably Taekwondo) where someone could drop in for a training session/see a demonstration that would be awesome. Any information will be helpful. Thanx!!!

Right now on our list of things to do/places to see we have: Chapultepec Park and some of the contained museums, Teotihuacan, Templo Mayor and Museo del Templo, Basilica de Guadelupe as well as Xochimilco...




  1. thanks for the question.. I will be there about the same time.  The places you have listed are on my list as well.. I will also be going to Plaza del Sabado (sp?)  Coyacan (sp?) the second is very tourist friendly great places to eat have traditional dancers there and the Frida Museum is there.  Garibaldi. is nice too but I heard you need to be careful at night.. muggers.. but it's a plaza with tons of Mariachi's and eateries although watch out for pricey places.  I have been to all these place when I was younger so it will be nice to go revisit.  Have fun and best wishes

  2. All the places you mentioned to go to are pretty awesome.  Mexico City is a cool place with lots to see.

    Main things to be aware of is be very fastidious, almost paranoid, about germs- I'd carry liquid hand sanitizer and be careful not to eat without cleaning your hands, don't bite your fingernails, etc.  Don't drink the water, don't even let it get into your mouth when you shower or rinse your toothbrush with it.  Don't drink locally-made fruit juice as it may be mixed with unclean water- that got me sick once.

    And do be aware of crime.  "the eyes that see all" is out of his mind, crime does happen to tourists, and I'm pretty sure Mexico City has higher crime than New York, Mexico's crime has gotten much worse in the past 15 years. Just take the same precautions you would anywhere, stay out of bad areas especially after dark etc. The historic city center, as well as most of the places you talk about going to, seemed pretty safe to me although I'd watch out for pickpockets and bag slashers.  I havent been there in awhile so you may want more up to date info.

  3. food at street = forget it!

    we mexicans are used to it but u "gringos" will be sick.

    dont drink water from the 'tubes'

    and dont trust police men. not everyone are thiefs, but it's for your safe. dont look scared and do not wear jewerly.

    if you have questions about interest places, ask some other tourists you see around.

    or call me, im mexican ;)

  4. Go to "Palacio de Bellas Artes" (downtown), it's a wonderful place.


    "El Castillo de Chapultepec"

    And i recommend you go to dinner on new year (about 10pm) to a restaurant called "Bellini" it's on the floor 33 of the World Trade Center, you can see there fireworks, if you like the idea I give you the phone number: 90 00 83 05 or 90 00 83 25.

    México it´s a beautiful place, you only have to see.

    Enjoy your holiday in México, welcome.

    Garibaldi it's a very fun place but is a little bit dangerous at night.

    Yes, you can visit Coyoacan, that is a very folk place, it has colonial streets, a lot of stuff to buy, and you can go to the Frida Kahalo's museum, and enjoy a great coffee at the "El Jarocho".

    Speaking of money i can give you some examples about the cost of some thinks:

    A subway ticket: 2 pesos.

    A bus ride: 4 pesos max.

    A 600ml. Coke: 6 pesos.

    A cup of coffee, about  13 pesos.

    A Burguer King meal: 55 pesos.

    A 335ml. beer: 8 pesos.

    A suvenier cost about 200 pesos.

    Subway is a very safe way to travel around the city.

    If you have any cuestion in México, you can call me, (and please speak slowly lol): 044 55 16 45 02 13

    I can give you more ideas of places to go

  5. Mexico city is a great BIG.  I really enjoyed Teotihuacan and also took a bus to Tepoztlan for a two days and one's a quaint little village nearby that I really enjoyed.  Also visited the museums you mentioned.  I didn't have any problem with street food.  Just be sensible when you order.  I did buy bottled water.  They also sold beer on the streets that they poured in a cup and added chile, lime, and salt to it...I loved it!!  The guy I went with was paranoid about everything...he didn't want to eat anything and was also scared of drinking anything...I think all he had was gatorade and some tortillas imported from the USA, he ended up getting sick anyway, I think it was because he wasn't properly nourished.  I enjoyed myself and never got sick, despite travelling with him.  Enjoy yourself!!  Speak spanish (or make an effort to), people will be very helpful that way.  We took the subway and rode taxis and we were very safe...

  6. nop

  7. As far as staying safe goes, if she knows the area I wouldn't worry too much. Don't wear too much jewelry and try not to dress up too much because you'll stand out as a tourist which means money to them. I went and saw the pyramids; they are a little ways from the city, but worth it. Go down town, there are many historical buildings and museums. All of the ones you mentioned are good ideas. If you bring your debit card you won't need much cash; maybe $100 (U.S) for taxis, etc. which will last you awhile. There are places to get cash if needed; try not to carry too much. Most people walk, take the subway, bus or taxis so I wouldn't worry about transportation. If you go to the HUGE church in downtown (Basilica), there are dancers there during the holidays. Email me and I can give you more exact locations and names. My brother in law is a martial arts champion and instructor there and I can give you his contact info.

  8. Don't drink the tap water.

  9. don't drink the water and dont have churos on the border...sick for 3 days non stop! :(  no maygust!


  11. Check the wikitravel for Mexico City. I think it is very acurate and realistic.

    I hope you enjoy your visit!

  12. Try the new ice rink that is on the Zocalo Plaza (only for Christmas). About the crime... No foreigner person has ever suffered of any kind of agression in Mexico. EVER. This is true because we would have many problems if something like that happened. (This is not literal, maybe 3 or 4 persons have suffered agressions in over 200 years, XD. But no tourist, they were either soldiers, criminals, or press people).

    And... New York, for example, has much more crime than Mexico City.

    About martial arts write to It´s from a Ninjutsu school in Mexico City. The teacher knows English.

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