
Mexico is 10000 times better then america?

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Mexico is 10000 times better then america?




  1. I like it In Mexico pero not for a long time cause of all the people not obeying the laws

  2. México is IN America. Shocking, huh?

  3. Mexico is  in  America...before the U.S. ever was.   It can be better and it can be worse, depends on your particular life's goals. it seems less stressful...probably a difficult place to make money.

  4. What are you saying?

    Mexico is IN America (the Americas)

    If you mean to ask if Mexico is better THAN the US, well that's another matter.



  6. What do you want asking?

  7. YEAAH!!

    I totally agree!!!

  8. The greed of each country's politicians is probably pretty close to equal--no winner there.

    But if you were to ask a random stranger for help, on average, I think you would have better luck in Mexico.  Hardly anyone picks up hitchhikers in the states anymore for fear of encountering a baby raper or mother stabber--advantage Mexico.

    In June, I spend two days in the local hospital; they sent a bill for $6700.  I'm guessing a similar stay in a Mexican hospital migh be $670.  So in health care, you can say that Mexico is ten times better.

  9. you 4get to put details,.

  10. On what?

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