
Mexico is not a part of America period Leon. It is a separate country.?

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Mexico is not a part of America period Leon. It is a separate country.?




  1. Canada, The US, and Mexico are located in North America..accept it. Columbus did not land at Plymouth Rock. He arrived at what is now Latin America when he named it.

  2. yes ...

    mexico a separate countryyy....

  3. it's located in North America

    someone needs a geography lesson, kay?

  4. It is a separate country, but it is in America.  America is not a country.  Mexico is part of the North American continent, and is often described as being in Central America.  Hope this helps you and Leon solve this very difficult geograhpical/philisophical/sociopolitica... question.

  5. You are very observant.

    Have yourself a cookie.

  6. You are WRONG.

    México IS part of América, since América is the name to this continent. And all mexicans are americans, as do canadians, argentinians, colombians, brazilians and people from USA (wich we call "gringos" to save time saying "estodounidenses"), etc.

    I guess you are trying t say:

    "México is not part of United States of America, it is a separate country"

  7. America is a large continent in the western hemisphere that can be further subdivided into North America, Central America, and South America. North America consists of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Many people in the United States and other countries alike use the term "America" to refer to the United States and the term "American" to refer to people from the United States. Technically, of course, this is incorrect because "America" refers to an entire continent rather than one country within it.  Another common mistake is the manner in which many Latin Americans use the term "North American" to refer to people from the United States, even though this term should refer to a subcontinent rather that one specific country within it. I personally find it ironic that many Latinos will understandably criticize the use of the the term "American" to refer to United States citizens, even as many of them will simply turn around use the term "North American" when it is likewise incorrect.

    I think that when most people use the term "American" to refer to individuals from the U.S. they do so simply because that is the term that, rightly or wrongly, has worked its way into common parlance. I do not believe they do it maliciously or arrogantly as a way to somehow slight the other countries on the continent. However, when in Latin America I can avoid offending anyone by calling myself an "estadounidense" (if it had an english translation it would be something like "united states-an") and thereby simply avoid the issue. When I am with anyone else I still use the term "American" to refer to United States citizens, not because I am too ignorant to understand what the term should really mean, but because that is the best word to use to make myself understood. My biggest complaint is that if some are going to critizice me and my people for calling ourselves "Americans", then they ought to be consistent and tell other persons not to call us "North Americans" either. If we are going to pick on people for their semantics, it should work both ways, not just single out people from the United States for special criticism....

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