
Mexico to colombia travel?

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am thinking of going to colombia am in cancun mexico right now what would be the best way to travel to colombia? with out takeing a airplain? I would like to see each country as i make my way south has anny one done this, or do i have to fly ..




  1. I've done it a few times (both sides)on my way back and forth to South America. You must fly or take a boat from Panama to get to Colombia.The Darrien gap is (still) impassable to any kind of motorized traffic.The boats,mainly sail boats, out of the San Blas islands operate only part of the year.Allow 4-5 days for a boat transit.The boats dock at the main Marina in Cartagena.There are daily flights from Panama City to Cartagena as well as other destinations in Colombia.

    The easiest and best way to begin your journey from where you are is to catch a bus to Chetumal and then cross into Belize.From Belmopan in Belize take another bus to Guatemala. Try to find something to El Remate.It's a perfect place to stop for the night and then in the morning take the tour of Tikal,a not to be missed ancient and magical place. Don David has been in Guatemala for years and knows absolutely everything about Guatemala. From Tikal you should be able to catch a bus to Guatemala City. In Guatemala City you'll be able to catch theTica Bus (see link). The Tica Bus runs south on the Inter-American highway(the portion of the Pan-American Hwy.that runs from the USA to Panama) from Tapachula in Mexico to Panama City,Panama stopping in each of the countries capitol cities along the way. For more adventure and local flavor you can also make your way south to Panama through each country on local buses rather than on the Tica.

    Hope this helps me if you have any other questions.  


  2. Charlie is right. BUT! IF you are a gringo I would go by airplane. Way too many chances of getting robbed or killed along the way.

  3. Only way other than flying is to take the bus.  The buses in Mexico are very nice and comfortable as well as safe and cheap.   I do not know if all those thigs can be said for the buses in central America.  Or, you could take the bus part way, then fly.  You would need to speak at least survival Spanish, and be a wise, observant, confident traveller.   Many people do take the buses to central America.  Go to the central bus station i n Cancun and ask about schedules and fares.     Some bus companies have websites, but info at the bus station will be most current.  Be sure to take either a 1st class or luxury bus.  Luxury fares are a little more, but the buses are fabulous.  Have a great adventure.

    Just saw the other do need to be wise and careful, just like you wouldc anywhere.  But I am an American woman living in mexico and I and others I know travel all over by bus and have never had a problem.  The buses in Mexico are definetly safe. You need to see what they are like in  Central America.  In Mexico, there are security checkpoints along the highways, and the buses are boarded and checked to be sure everything is ok.

  4. oh what about getting there by boat or something?! :]]

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